Chapter Sixteen: She's the Reason

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Olive studied me if I was telling the truth. “Okay,” she said, making up her mind. Then she smiled slowly. “We were just talking about Xavier's first love.”

“Do you know who it is?” I asked quietly, my eyes wide. I really love gossiping, amnesia or no amnesia.

“I'm not supposed to tell,” she said mocking. Then added just as wickedly, “You don't know her.”

She walked away and I watched her retreating figure.

Whatever she says, I have a feeling I do know Xavier's first love.


It's time to start Day Two out of seven days here in our private resort just near Thailand (seriously, I don't know what's the name of our resort).

First thing I got to do was to wake up. I walked inside the bathroom, noticing Olive was still soundly asleep on her bed. I took a long hot shower. When I was done, Olive was not yet up. So instead I just slipped on a pair of white shorts, showing off my legs and a pink tank top. I wore my flipflops as I walked out of my room.

At the lobby, I saw my dad drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. Beside him was my mom, reading a novel. They both looked up at the same time. Mom smiled at me brightly yet Dad just gave a slight smile then went back to his newspaper.

“Good morning,” I greeted them politely and took the seat across them.

“Look, someone wrote a book about Wife of a Spy,” Mom gushed and gave me the book.

I studied the cover. It was the faces of my parents but it didn't quite look like them. Mom was leaning on the wall, wearing a black pencil skirt and a button down white blouse. She was also wearing ankle boots and secretary glasses. A carefree smile was on her face as she looked at my father, her hand on his checkered blue tie. My dad was smirking, wearing a tuxedo, a gun on his hand. 

“It's the book of the First Season,” Mom continued. “The author got everything right.”

“I'd read it, don't worry,” I assured her with a smile.

“I'd rather you watch the show,” Dad spoke up. “You would understand it better.”

“Well, some people have other opinions,” a voice said behind us. The three of us looked up and saw Summer, pursing her lips.

“Summer,” my dad said, giving her a friendly smile. “You're awake.”

She rolled her eyes. “Obviously.”

Mom watched the two of them nervously. Then she cleared her throat and smiled at Summer brightly. “Have you eaten breakfast?”


“Well, Autumn, too. Why don't the both of you go and have breakfast, hmm?” she suggested.

Summer's face hardened. “You're getting rid of us - as usual. Well, no worries, I'm going anyway. Come on, Autumn.”

“I wasn't--”

“Save your breath, Mom.” She gave me a look. “Autumn.”

I sighed and got up to follow her. We went to the dining room and ordered some breakfast. We sat on the chairs and waited.

I gave my sister a pointed look. “You don't have to be so hard on them, you know.”

“I don't want to talk about it.”

“Well, I do,” I replied rebeliously. “Dad called me 'sweetie' last night! That's saying something, Summer.”

“Oh so now he calls you your nickname, you think they're back to normal? Come on, Autumn, wake up.”

Shattered MemoriesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz