Discount winter wonderland

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I look up at the gaps of sunlight,

I miss you more than anything.


I was able to fall asleep for another few hours after that. I had actually saved someone with my powers, instead of hurting them or causing destruction. Contentment washed over me, and I was momentarily able to forget about everything else.

When I woke up, it was cold. From the view out the window, I could tell we were pretty high up, and somewhere with a lot of snow. For a brief second, I thought I was nine years old and living in Jamanakai village. The thought was fleeting, as the past few days came rushing back. I was fifteen (about to turn sixteen), I had met my soulmate and an evil ghost now possessed him... and I was still blaming myself.

With a sigh, I got up out of bed, stretched a little, and made my way to the deck. Icy wind, cold enough for me to see my own breath, chilled my body the second I left the bedroom. My warm clothes and Lloyd's hoodie were in the laundry room. I prayed that Nya had intercepted the hoodie again, before it was put in the washing machine, replacing Lloyd's aroma with soapy suds. As weird as it sounds, this dirty hoodie was the only thing keeping me together, keeping me from completely falling apart at the seams... keeping me from hurting someone.

Recently, in some form of divine intervention, I had been able to control my powers more than I'd ever been able to. Even before the accident, I didn't have this much control, but the thought of accidentally causing someone pain lingered in my mind. How long before I hurt someone again? How long before someone else was in a hospital bed, attached to machines?

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I opened the door to the laundry room with a sense of dread. Which only got worse when I saw that Lloyd's hoodie was folded neatly with my clothes, on top of the dryer. A sort of groan-like whimper fell from my lips, I was sure all traces of the Lloyd I loved had been washed away. Before I completely crumbled, I noticed a stained smudge of mud. The mud I had splashed up the bottom half of the hoodie in my rush through the jungle.

"Oh thank god." It hadn't been washed, only folded. Just to double-check, I brought the hood up to my nose and inhaled deeply. Underneath the smells that it had acquired through me wearing it, was Lloyd's shampoo. I hadn't known what his shampoo smelt like until I had stolen the hoodie a few days prior, before everything had gone wrong. When we were having fun, being normal. Before I had gotten my soulmate possessed because I was too stupid to tell anyone about the ghost residing in my god-damn mind.

"I see you're still blaming yourself for this, [Y/n]." Misako's voice suddenly broke the white noise of the washing machine, which was washing someone's gear.

How long had she been standing there? Did she see me sniffing her son's hoodie? Oh my god, I'm a weirdo.

"I can't help it. Everyone here can tell me otherwise, but I can't believe it unless..." I faltered, my voice trailing off. Get ready for some tears Misako.

Her gaze on me was similar to my own mother's, making me even more upset.

"U-Unless it's Lloyd telling me... I will only." I couldn't stop the sobs from escaping, for all I knew I might never hear his voice again, let alone reassure me.

Misako hurried over to me, pulling me into a warm hug. I could smell her perfume, it was nice. Jasmine maybe? Her hand was stroking my hair softly, comfortingly. A long shush came from her mouth, followed by a; "It'll be okay, Lloyd is a strong boy and he'd never, ever blame you for this."

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