Part Seven

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The next morning

I woke up feeling the weight of someone's head on my shoulder, turns out it was Childe's...he was sleeping so peacefully and the last thing I wanted to do was wake him up. I grabbed my phone that was placed next to me to check the time, it was already around 10 am. Something inside of me really wanted to take care of Childe, to make him feel comfortable and wanted, so I decided to slowly move his head from my shoulder, just so I could prepare us two breakfast. Right after I got up, I brought a warm blanket to cover him up, just in case he was cold. During our previous conversations he had mentioned how he doesn't have any particular favorite or least favorite dish, so I decided to go for sweet steamed buns and some tofu pudding.


I woke up feeling the absence of Zhongli's presence beside me, and replacing that there was a soft blanket touching my body. "Could he be the one to place it? ", I asked myself rhetorically, knowing I definitely wasn't the one to do so last night, smiling to myself. "Good morning sleepy head", I heard a deep but calm voice speaking from behind me, coming from the kitchen. I looked behind me and immediately saw the man that have been a great support for me during these difficult times. "I prepared us breakfast,", he continued, "come on, take a seat."
I got up and approached the table,  Zhongli was just placing the last dish.
-Thank you so much for everything, I said before seating down.
-Agh don't mention it, enjoy,  we then thanked for our food before digging in.
-Wow this is delicious! You made it all by yourself? I asked him, amazed by his cooking skills.
-Haha you're flattering me.  Don't be shy try some of the tea as well, it's one of my favorites.
We talked about his favorite kinds of teas he had tried from all across Teyvat.
-I see you really like this particular drink huh? Im guessing it really is your favorite!
-You could say so, but I think I quite enjoy osmanthus wine the best, it's just that I don't have anyone that shares the memory to drink it with m—Then lets go out sometime to get some so we create a new memory together, I interrupted him before he could finish his sentence, I trust you I'm sure I'll love it!

And with that Zhongli felt his cheeks getting hotter and hotter, redness covering his face and happiness feeling him inside. God knows how long it had been since the last time he was able to enjoy a cold glass of osmanthus wine with someone he loved, having lost the people that cared about him the most.
The time had passed with the two men spending their whole day laughing, watching movies and Zhongli attempting to give Childe some cooking lessons. They had both decided to take the day off since it was already late by the time they woke up, in reality, they also wanted to spend time with each other. Hu Tao, who happened to be Zhongli's boss and the owner of the company who ran the taxis had allowed him, being the biggest shipper of the two. On the other hand, Childe reassured Zhongli that he would inform his boss, the Tsaritsa, something that he never did, aware of the consequences. This was probably a dumb decision, especially having forgotten to mention this to his co-worker, Scaramouche.

Oh how had the time passed! I had so much fun hanging out with Zhongli, he really was one of a kind. I decided to check the time which I had lost track of, and so I opened my phone to see that it was now 11PM, and that I had 16 missed calls from Scara.

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