"Well for one you have sex hair, and two when you walked over here you were limping, three you came from that hallway where there's nothing over there but the supply closet, and fourth Jordan clearly doesn't know what wait for 3 minutes means" Liv stated and I put my head down smiling before looking back up 

"Ok so I did have sex with Jordan, twice, and I may or may not have a crush on him, but you have to promise not to tell anyone" I say and she nod and after all of that I got a call from someone on my moms side of the family 

On the Phone 

"Hola" I say 

"Feliz cumpleanos, Rosa" My aunt said

"Muchas gracias ojala pudiera veros, chicos" I say 

"Bueno, tu deseo esta a punto de hacerse realidad" My aunt replied 

"Que quieres decir con?" I question 

"Queremos que tu y el bebe vendais aqui para las vacaciones de invierno, yo y la familia os echamos de menos" She said and I had a big smile on my face 

"Vale, parece un buen plan" I say 

"Ok I love you" My aunt said 

"Love you too bye" I say and with that I hang up the phone 

"What was that about?" Liv questioned 

"Nothing just some family business" I say 

The next day 

Today is the day of the party-not-party and I was upstairs getting ready with Liv, I was in a chair getting my hair and makeup done while breast pumping 

After 15 minutes I'm finally done getting ready and I look so good 

Now I'm walking downstairs and I feel people looking at me I don't pay it any attention, as I'm walking through the living room to go outside I see Jordan and a girl making out and I just get jealous but I don't show it I just keep my head held hi...

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Now I'm walking downstairs and I feel people looking at me I don't pay it any attention, as I'm walking through the living room to go outside I see Jordan and a girl making out and I just get jealous but I don't show it I just keep my head held high and walk over to them and they stop once they see me 

"Hi" I say with a sarcastic smile 

"Can I speak to Jordan for a minute please" I say and she walks away in fear 

"I can explain" Jordan finally spoke and I just look at him as if her serious 

"Ok so let me get this strait, you want to explain to me why you invited a girl here and then make out with her, on my birthday" I say in a calm matter 

"Yes" He said and I looked down for a second and nod my head before turning back to him and I walk closer to him making him nervous 

"Wrong answer Baker" I say before slapping him and turning away to see everyone looking at us but in that moment I don't care I just walk upstairs to my room I get the baby out of her play pin and put her in her car seat then packed her diaper bag, then I went right back downstairs with Aaliyah and walked right out of the front door leaving the party 

Stole my heart- All American (Jordan Baker)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ