"Bruce." A female voice came from the door making both of us look towards it. Over the last week, i began to know this woman as Natasha Romanov. She was one of Bucky's unwilling victims. She was never meant to be hurt by him but still was. She was an assassin as well who turned good...for SHIELD. That's all i knew about her before finding myself here. "Tony wanted to check on her progress."

"I would suggest that he come check on her himself." Bruce had one thing he knew for sure about me and it was written down in big red letters. 'TONY'. I knew Tony and none of us are willing to give him the answer as to how. I'm assuming it would be quite annoying to him. Natasha narrowed her eyes in his direction.

"You don't actually expect me to tell him that do you?"

"No. I think you should tell him that she is healthy but she will probably be less stubborn if the only person she knew would show his face." Possibility that i will be less stubborn? About 20% chance. Maybe it would work to my advantage if I corroborated more.

"I'll pass on the message." Natasha nodded at Bruce before turning in my direction. "You have anything you want to say to him." I turned my head keeping my expression blank. "I didn't think..."

"He can come check on me himself." Both of them were shocked to hear my voice. It had to be the longest sentence that i've said so far. "If you want answers..." Have to admit. My throat hurt still from having a tube down it for, what they told me, close to two weeks. My voice was hoarse and I generally did not want to talk. But i had to. "He needs to ask the questions." Natasha smiled at me before looking back at Bruce.

"I like her." She uncrossed her arms turning away from us and walking out.

"Now you talk." I just grinned laying back on my bed. My arms were still connected to the bed making it very hard for me to be comfortable. I understand why it is like this but still.... I would appreciate at least a little bit of freedom. 

Tony's POV

"I can only do so much, Tony. The board is asking why we flew Dr. Cho in twice in one week." Pepper seemed really disappointed in me. She understood that there was a lot of work that goes into running The Avengers but the board usually doesn't understand why we have to preform so many medical procedures in the course of one year. "Not to mention that there was an open heart surgery in Avengers Tower. Not exactly a fully-functioning hospital."

"She needed it or else she would have died." I was in my own world the past couple of days. 

"She's a prized HYDRA asset. That's hard to cover up." I looked down at my hands. If there was anyone i would tell about Anya, it should be Pepper. "I'm not going to push it. Just know that it needs to be dealt with."

"Tony." I looked back up just in time for Natasha to walk through the door to the office. "She's talking. Conditionally."

"What does that mean?" Pepper asked for me. She is not immune to being curious about the peculiar ways of my life.

"She will answer questions but only to Tony." Natasha had a smug look on her face. "I would go get those answers Tony. Bruce might go crazy on her and that's the last thing we want her to go through right now." I took a deep breath thinking it through. If there was any sliver of the Anya i knew as a child then i had to give her a chance. I am definitely going to give her a chance. 

"Let's go." I stood up quickly walking towards the door. "Stay here Pepper." I only heard her take one step but she ultimately listened to me. I ignored the fact that Natasha was still following me. I didn't even pay attention to the fact that i was right outside the lab until i was looking straight at a disappointed Bruce who was looking at a bed with a tightly bound white lump on it. I stepped in getting Bruce's attention instantly. "Could I get some privacy Bruce?" He looked from me to Anya who was starting to relax. 

"Sure. Only a minute." Bruce put down his clipboard getting up and walking past me. We were quiet for a moment while i went to sit where Bruce was previously. 

"Anya. You need to talk to me or i'll have to leave you to the mercy of the Hulk." Anya turned her body toward me sitting up.

"The Hulk?"

"It's what Bruce turns into when he gets angry." Anya looked visibly confused. "You said you would answer the questions if i was the one asking them." Her expression turned rather sad. 

"You are the only person I really know here." 

"I have some pretty hard questions." I leaned over putting my elbows on my knees. Anya took a deep breath closing her eyes.

"I'll answer them."

"You killed a lot of people. Did you know what you were doing at the time?" She shook her head. "Maybe something smaller. How are you alive?" A small laugh escaped her. 

"How is Captain America alive?"

"The serum."

"They turned me into a solider soon after I was declared dead. I'll always thank your father for giving up so quick."

"Don't be cruel if you want me to go easy on you." She softened back up before continuing.

"I talked to him Tony. I told him that i was terrified of something going wrong. That someone was watching me and he didn't save me. He promised he would but he didn't come for me. He refused to." She seemed to realize that it was becoming too much. There was a large knot forming in my stomach as i saw the tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"No." I stood up almost by instinct. Something about the fact that this was the first time i was seeing her in over twenty years makes me think that sitting at her bedside couldn't possibly go wrong. "Tell me everything that happened." 

"They took me on Halloween. I remember seeing the calendar first thing in the morning and remembering that it would be my first one in twenty years without you and Micah." She paused before going on. "They told me it took two weeks before STARK Industries reported my untimely death to my mother. The order coming straight from the source. Never knew if they meant it to anger me or if it was the truth."

"It was the truth. My dad told my mom and I first then went to tell your mom."

"There was a whole month where they were just torturing me. Then suddenly they strapped me down to a metal table and injected me with a bag of blue liquid."

"You need to answer my first question now."

"I need you to promise to listen to me before passing judgement." I swallowed the lump in my throat bracing myself for what she was going to say.

"I promise."

"I was mind-controlled for some of them. Mostly in the beginning before they realized that i responded pretty good to threats."

"What kind of threats?"

"They would promise that they would kill my loved ones. Micah, my mother, you. I was in love with someone. They kept him very close." I tried to hold back my thoughts. Micah was murdered. If they were promising this to her then what did she do to lead to his death.  Fear shined over her eyes. "Is my mother alive?"

"I suppose so." Her breathing labored. Anxiety.

"You have to know Tony. You have to find her." She screamed so loud it made me jump up. "If I'm... If I'm here...."

"Anya, she's fine."

"You are their enemy." She yelled again. "They're going to kill her."

Come Back To Me- Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя