He smirked clearly understanding her reference to his comment in the hallway,"No doubt. I'm sure you are but that still doesn't change the fact that you're sitting on my seat cupcake."

Aubrey turned a deep scarlet,"I'm not your cupcake."

Again a smirk,"No, you're not nearly as sweet, Tammy on the other hand..."

Aubrey gagged.

"Mr Vaughn, Miss Valdis is there a problem?" Mr Thorne had just entered the class. Aubrey and Declan were standing face to face, Aubrey obviously a head shorter than him but that didn't lessen any it the tension in the room.

Mr Thorne must have sensed it as Declan shook his head,"No sir Miss Valdis and I just had a slight misunderstanding with the seating arrangements."

"Yes apparently it's been brought to my notice by the ever so polite Mr Vaughn that we have permanent seats in this class." Aubrey said and then added innocently,"I refused to believe him until I heard it straight from you."

Aubrey knew she was pushing It too far, especially when she had a lot to lose but she didn't care at that moment. She needed to prove to Declan and herself that she wasn't going to be bullied by some hotshot pretty boy.

Mr Thorne glanced at Aubrey his eyes taking on a peculiar expression which he quickly masked with an exasperated sigh.

"Miss Valdis I suggest you go back to your previous seat."

And that was that.

Mr Thorne had immediately started to teach ignoring Aubrey's flushed face.

But everyone stared at her their gaze burning a hole into her. She slowly got up her eyes trained down. She had embarrassed herself big time that was for sure and he would probably tell them all she was crazy too.

Declan stood in front of her his smirk still on,"I'd be careful if I were you."

"Is that a threat?" Aubrey whispered slowly trying to wrap her mind around what was going on.

"Depends on how you take it sweetheart." He said is voice so low that only she could hears him,"But if I were you Id run away."

"From what?"

His gold eyes were almost oppressively cold now as if it was physically folding around her and crushing her.

"From this town."

Aubrey's eyes unwillingly filled with tears. She regretted it immediately but it had become all too much. All her classmates were still all too happily looking at her shameful fall and the boy who was the key to her insanity was threatening to call her out for the very insanity caused by him.

Life was a bitch.

Declan smiled knowing he'd won and stepped aside waiting for Aubrey to go away. Wether he had succeeded to chase her out of the town as well as his seat was yet to be seen.

But Aubrey didn't want to back down and for once in her life she didn't want to run away. But she knew if she wanted her dignity to remain intact, at least whatever was left of her dignity she would have to walk away.

That and she really didn't want to burst into tears in front of the entire class.

So she grabbed her books as Declan stepped aside letting her through. She resisted the strong urge to kick him in the balls as she got wiggled out of the seat with the full intention of walking out of class.

And that's when it happened.

Their shoulders brushed against for the smallest of moments but the impact knocked Aubrey straight off.

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