𝙏𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚

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Win's POV
The entire drive in the taxi I was crying. Crying that me and Bright are officially divorced after today but even though I had to do this, it still hurts. I already told Nani my plan and he was shocked about the entire thing but I know I could trust him with this.

I'll stay with Nani for awhile until the next phase of my plan but before I go back to Nani's house, I have to visit a old friend. He is probably the only person that is smart enough to help me.

I arrived at this huge penthouse and held the divorce documents tightly in my hand. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer and eventually saw a women opening the door.

She looked like she rushed to put on her clothes and I can see visible hickeys marks on her neck and arms.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see Zee. He's a friend of mine." I spoke to her and said.

"Don't worry about her. Come in Win." I heard Zee's voice from afar and I politely bowed and walked pass her through the door.

I approached Zee and he was shirtless and that's almost all the time I come to visit him. He always has a new victim who he fucks with every week and it's hard to keep track. Zee grabbed his shirt off the couch and began to put it on.

"Nong Win or should I saw Xiao Win? What being you to my house? I got your message but I didn't quite understand what you wanted me to do." Zee questioned me.

Zee is a international business man. He rich in Thailand, China, and America.

He calls me Xiao Win sometimes since he gave me that name when he speaks Chinese. Not to mention he use to babysit me and gave me sex advice when I ever found out about what sex was. He's a great friend to my father and he's a brother to me. At some point before Bright my mother even considered Zee to be my husband but that wouldn't be right.

"What's not to get? I need you to pretend that we are together." I told him again but this time in person.

"But you're Married now." He said confused. I rolled my eyes and gave him the file and he read through it. I watched his eyes expanded as he looked at the last page.

"See, I need your help with another problem. I'm sure you know who Tu Tontawan?" I asked him.

"How could I not?" Zee said with little surprised in his tone.

"Well you need to listen to this. Mason is Bright's most trusted guard and he voice recorded Tu kidnapping and molesting Bright. She wants him to be his husband and she wants me out of the picture and I can't stop her if I don't have enough evidence." I explained to him as he heard the entire event that happened.

"How disgusting." Zee said as he gave me back my phone. "You're right that you need more evidence. I'll make a few phone calls and have some of my spy team look into this." Zee said and I smiled. That's exactly why I called him for him.

"Thank you P'Zee." I said happily.

"Now, what will you give me in return?" Zee asked as he raised one eye brow at me.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I don't yet. I'll have to decide in the future." Zee said as he walks to his kitchen.

He really hasn't changed and I don't think he ever will. Not that he needs to.

"So now that you got a divorce, you realize that Tu will have the opportunity to take Bright now." Zee reminds me and I felt a pain in my chest.

I obviously know that but I don't want to think about it. I have already expected that she will try to take Bright now but because I love him, I'll wait until all of this is over. I'll just hope that he will forgive me from this plan and doing it all on my own without him.

I know that Bright is hurting right now.

"I'm sorry. I won't bring it up." Zee eventually said to me as he pass me a glass of wine.

1 week as past

The news have been spread that me and Bright have broken up and had finalized our divorce last week. With new news about Bright in a surprise engagement with Tu Tontawan and their wedding will be held next month.

While news about me and Zee raise up. Zee and I have been putting on a good show for the media and some are supporting and not supporting. Honestly everything is just chaos right now. I'm at Zee's house as we watch the news. Bright and Tu are at a event on tv with people for the newspaper and they are about to interview them right now.

"Please one question at a time!"

"Bright, how do you feel about your recent divorce with Win Metawin?" One reporter asked him.

Bright looked nervous on the TV screen but he had to answer.

"I feel like relationships takes a lot of commitment and me and Win had didn't commitments that we just couldn't support." He answered.

"Are you in Win still on good terms after the divorce?" Another reported asked.

"Of course. We've know each other for years and I still work and invested in his company." Bright answered even though we haven't talked for a week or seen each other.

"Will Win be invited to you and Tu's wedding?" A reported asked.


"Of course." Tu cut Bright off. " Every family member from Metawin Industries are invited and in fact, we plan to have Win be Bright's best man." She said and the entire event started going wild and a bunch of people started asking questions at the same time.

"That bitch." Zee mouth off as he chug his beer entirely.

I ball up my fist tightly as I can't believe she said that on live TV. I can tell that she is enjoying this and she thinks she has won but she hasn't.

Suddenly a phone rang, distracting me from the TV temporarily. Zee picked it up and answered.

"Hello." He said as I watch Zee as his face expressing changes through the conversation. "Thanks, I'll come pick it up tomorrow morning." Zee hung up the phone.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"New evidence that my spy's have found. We have enough now to report this to the police." Zee admitted to me.

A/N: I saw some nasty comments about Tu and I wasn't really happy. Please remember that this is just a story and no bullying or saying hurtful things is really about the actress. I understand her character in the story is not everyone's favorite but please don't spread hate on her.

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