
I froze. I knew that voice far too well because no one else on this earth had that same base and grunt in his speech. My back stiffened, and I could feel the hairs on my neck standing at attention. I didn’t want to turn around. I was scared that if I did, I’d see them and wouldn’t be able to say goodbye when or if the time came.

The soft sound of pattering feet came closer to me, and I squeezed my eyes shut as I waited. Then, there was a hand on my shoulder, and that’s when I broke. Instantly, I spun around and launched myself in Alex’s arms, and he wholeheartedly hugged me back. I could feel my entire foundation crumbling as I sobbed into my brother’s shoulder. He squeezed me too—tighter than I ever remembered—as he hushed me quietly.

As I opened my eyes, they landed on Aliah, standing just a few feet away with an unreadable expression on her face. Slowly, I shuffled from Alex’s embrace as I went to her, and immediately she broke out in similar sobs as she grabbed me to her chest. Alex soon joined us as we all knelt in the soft grass, never letting go as Aliah and I cried. I didn’t want to let go. I couldn’t. It felt like if I did, then they’d disappeared, and I wouldn’t get to see them again. Ever.

“Is it really you?” Aliah mumbled as she pulled away, but I wasn’t quite ready to let go as yet. Nonetheless, I nodded at her question, deeming it impossible to speak. “I can’t believe it,” she added. “I mean, I heard what the witch was talking about, but….” She didn’t finish her statement, and I didn’t blame her.

The impossibility of the moment was almost surreal. Though it had been over four years since I saw them, the familiarity of being with them again was spectacular. My older brother and sister. We have united once again.

And it was utter bliss.

“I’ve missed you guys so much,” I finally said as I wiped my eyes. “A lot had happened since you died, and I thought I couldn’t go on.”

It was the first time I admitted out loud that there were times when I thought of giving up. Sometimes, I would be deep in a nightmare and wake up in panic, thinking I could take refuge in them, only to remember that they were gone. It was the most awful thing ever.

I hated not having them with me. It was only when I found Drew that I found happiness again. He filled the void they left when they died, which is also why I’d forever be grateful for his love.

“We missed you too,” Alex mumbled as he too pulled away. I hated the space between us. I wanted to hug them forever.

“And when you found us… When I heard your voice...” Aliah’s gaze shifted as if she was remembering, and I saw her eyes watering again. “I thought I’d never hear your voice again.”

“We can always be together from now on,” I said, knowing there’s no way I’d lose them again. “Please come back. Help us stop Dageian so we can live in peace. All of us.”

They shared a look, but I knew it wouldn’t have been so easy to convince them. I didn’t want to spend all the time we had together arguing with them, but I also needed them to agree.

“You’re a vampire’s mate now,” Alex mumbled as he dropped his gaze, shifting the subject elsewhere. He didn’t sound disappointed or sad. He sounded composed and stoic about it. Aliah, on the other hand, frowned a bit.

“Yes, she is,” Aliah added. “I don’t… I don’t understand why fate would mate a Rousseaux to a vampire.”

I felt the sudden urge to defend Drew, and so I did. “Guys, Drew is the best. He loves me; he protects and respects me. He is the perfect match for me. I know you guys won’t understand. Trust me, at first, I didn’t either. But once we got closer, I knew there wasn’t a mistake with us being mated. We were destined to be together, guys. If you come back with me, you’ll see.”

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