Chapter 3

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Stefan pov

The first time my caught the sign of her my world froze. Everything was in slow motion. She is the most beautiful woman I ever seen; I couldn't take my eyes off her. Just form the moment I saw her she change my whole life. Previously feelings I had for Elena and Katherine meant nothing now. My hunger also disappeared like it never existed in first place. I was surprised that she already knew what and who we are and didn't show any fear to us. Still, I had the fear that one day she would see by herself and hate me/ us.

I also knew that she would have to come with us. I knew that even though I say it's her choice I couldn't leave her. I would force her to come with us or stay with her. I didn't care for anybody beside her. Imagine my surprise when she asked if she would come with us.

Me: Only if you want.

Aryanna: I would like.

Damon: Really?

Elijah: Damon!

Damon: Sorry, I just mean, would you really leave your life here for us?

Its true. How can someone leave their home. The only place they knew and felt comfortable on. We can't ask her to leave all her life for us.

Aryanna: Yes, I would.

Henrik: Why?

Aryanna: I don't have nothing here. My parents abandoned me, I don't have siblings, school I can do anywhere, and I hate where I work, the payment is also not that good eighter. Talking about working I should be leaving soon.

All: I will come too.

Aryanna: Well, first I don't think you should come with me. Second, I think that Kol, Kai and Henrik should stay to figure out the spell that was used.

Elijah: But you should take someone with you, just in case.

Aryanna: Okay. I choose Enzo and Damon.

Finn: What? why?

Aryanna: Well, I think the Mikaelsons need to talk and solve your problems. And of all of you only Finn and Elijah wouldn't start a fight so I would like Stefan to stay and make sure no one break anything. If that's okay with you Stefan?

Me: Sure.

Aryanna: Okay, ill change and be back quickly.

Damon pov

I have always know about the existence of mates, I just never though that I would have one with all the horrible things I have done in my life. But here I am. I am standing in front of the most cute and beautiful girl in the whole world. With her long blonde hair, sky blue eyes, flawless white, smooth skin, cute button nose, red, plumb lips and long lashes. She looks like and angel. An angel and a demon, a perfect combination.

I was surprised when we landed here, not knowing the reason why. Now we know and we know that we will have to share her. It enough that most of the girls I liked felt the same for my brother. Now I have to share with the Mikaelsons brothers, Enzo, who I thought was dead and this Kai guy. How unlucky can my love life get. But at least I got a head start them all of them by making breakfast and feeding her my blood.

Now we will bring her with us. When she told us about her life I felt angry at the people that hurt her and made a promise to myself to always be there for her and make her happy. I am happy that she wants to leave with us, and n ow even happier that she choose me to go with her to her work. Witch I wanted to go to find the person/people who hurt her. Like she said after a few minutes she came back tin a ponytail.

Aryanna: I'm ready, let's go?

Me: Sure.

Third pov

The trio walked toward the bar, which wasn't that far, in a pleasant silence. The males were glaring at any man that looked at her in other ways. Soon they reached the bar. When the vampires looked at the place, they knew they wouldn't like the people inside. They walked together, inside there were only men as clients and the only women there were the bartenders.

Aryanna: Okay, you too stay there. Don't cause trouble and try to solve the problems between you too. If you need anything call me.

Enzo pov

I have spend most of my life in that place, being an experiment for those people, so I never knew what is a mate. Until I appeared in a unknow place, with people that I have never seen, except Damon. When we felt the same connection with her, was when they explained to me what that meant. I am happy to have a soulmate, someone that I can love and will love me. Now me and Damon are in the bar where she works, watching her in a silence.

Damon: I'm sorry.

Me: For?

Damon: For leaving you there and never look back. I swear Enzo, if I had any idea that you were still alive, I would go back to save you.

Enzo: It's okay. Now its past, I forgive you.

He put his hand on my back, like saying "thank you" for forgiving him. After that we went back to the silence and drinking. Sometimes we talked but mostly we just watched our mate work. We couldn't take our eyes from her. Everything was going great until we saw something that made our blood boil. Ary had just got inside of the bar after serving some people, when a man grabbed her hips.

Man: Hello, princess.

Aryanna: Let me go Ajax.

Man: Not yet, have you think again on my propose?

Aryanna: I have already told you that I wont go out with you. Now let me go.

Me: Didn't you heard the lady, let her go.

Man: the conversation isn't with you, so get out.

Damon: that wasn't nice, why don't you come with me so we can talk.

Damon compelled the man to follow him, they went behind the bar. I'm sure that Damon will kill him or torture him a bit then make him forget everything form that night. Not paying attention to them anymore, I looked at the girl besides me. She was looking down , like she was embarrassed of something, she was also shaking. She was afraid of him, that, I was sure.

Me: Can you explain to me who was that? And what was he talking about? 

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