One step closer

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It was beginning to get dark outside, a warning to both me and Pablo that we should keep an eye out for any zombies. Its more dangerous at night than at any other period during the day. We approached the moat of cloudy water which surrounded the city, blocking it out from the rest of society.

"Are we really going to swim through that nasty stuff?" Pablo questions, staring at his green reflection in the deep, deep water.

"Of course we're not. We're going to climb" I laugh, looking up at the challenge. A tall, thick, beige wall stared back at me, calling my name.

The aging tower of bricks had countless dents, holes and cracks on its surface - any climber's paradise if you ask me. I swim across to the wall, expecting Pablo to follow me along.

" go ahead. We'll meet at he tower. Me and heights don't go together very well." He takes a step back, preparing himself for a long walk around.

I suspiciously agree with him. Pablo has never chickened out why start now? I shrug this off and begin climbing the city's shield, feeling as if I was defying gravity.

I support myself by placing my left foot inside a mean crack and pulling myself higher as I simultaneously grab onto the loose bricks around me. Before I realised what I had grabbed onto, I was hanging and losing grip at a rapid pace.

"God damn it, Blane! A LOOSE BRICK. You idiot" I curse at myself but before I knew it, I was falling through the humid, night-time sky straight towards the water below me.

I plunge into the water at such a speed, turns out it wasn't as deep as it seemed but because of this, I hit the concrete-hard bottom of the pool with force.

Everything went black.

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