Start from the beginning

He wasn't affected by the sandstorm because his body had made a wall barrier once he saw the surroundings earlier.

"I see. So, you are searching for something there, huh? Come this way." Flare no longer asks anything else and leads them toward the tower.

All of them walk for a few minutes before they reach a broken gate door with a horse statue on both sides. The horse wasn't the normal horse shape but with horns and wings. Flare went in without staring at them. He was used to seeing them.

"Erm... You seem to have been here before. Is this place safe?" Jyana got close to Flare.

She can tell that he has been there before. Still, she was terrified of this sand-covered area. They were surrounded by sounds that don't seem typical. Even worse, she heard screeches that gave her the chills.

"Erm, you might find monsters here."

"What?!" Jyana and her team were shocked.

They believed that monsters only lived in the lands of demons. They were unaware that there would be monsters living here because Miko was still one of the human kingdoms.

Flare shrugged. "The monsters came from the demon kingdoms. They were brought by the demons to destroy this city. Although the demons retreated, the monsters that were alive back then secretly made this place their lair. It's tough to get rid of them since they always reproduce easily."

"No wonder this place was abandoned. Miko Kingdom no longer has a ruler, right?" Luuma asked.

"Correct. None of the heirs survived and since Miko was surrounded by three kingdoms, Shildia, Lagendia and Sharre, none of these kingdoms dare make this kingdom theirs."


"Well... There would be conflict between the three kingdoms. No king shall permit anyone to claim the Miko Kingdom as their own. However, the three kingdoms came to an accord since the demons continued to pose a threat. Therefore, this kingdom won't fill up unless someone manages to clear off this desert and build an oasis for this abandoned city."

"Huh? I thought Shildia Kingdom has a larger area than Lagendia and Sharre. Shouldn't Shildia rule the Miko Kingdom since they also have a large army? I don't think Shildia would be satisfied with one kingdom." Zeliker cut in on their conversation.

In his knowledge, Shildia covered the west and north of Miko Kingdom while Lagendia on the east and Sharre on the south. Shildia have widened their territory for hundreds of years and become the strongest kingdom from the human side.

Flare chuckled. "Shildia would have taken Miko Kingdom easily but they wouldn't want to waste their supplies or people for this kingdom. Do you know why?"

"Tell us." Mia looked interested.

The answers can be found in the Neza library but Flare wanted to interact with Zeliker and the others so he told them.

"In the past, Neza City wasn't covered in sand but was surrounded by a huge lake. The city was floating in the middle of it. As for the lake, I heard you can't even see its end from the city. And Neza city was also called the most beautiful city since the lake would reflect the sun and cover the entire city with its light. But the question is, how can the city turn into like this?"

While talking, Flare entered the interior of the tower through a large door that was open. Luckily, there was no monster in sight. Then, he continued his story after not hearing anyone reply.

"It happens after the last heir dies. The record of how Neza became a sand city also explained that the lake dried little by little until the floating city was brought down to the bottom. When the last pool of water disappears, sand begins to gather and turn into what we see now."

"And the answer to why Shildia doesn't want Miko is because this kingdom has no way to rebuild again. The sands won't let anything grow and water would dry up the moment you bring them here. This kingdom has become a dead kingdom."

Zeliker was confused after listening to it. "Why can't anyone just rebuild another main city in another place?"

"Haha. That won't be easy, Zeliker. With demons constantly attacking Shildia, Lagendia and Sharre, who would be able to use their resources to build one here? The demons wanted this kingdom. If they are able to rule this kingdom, humans would lose another land."

"... If Miko falls into demon hands, I guess they can rebuild Miko Kingdom easily with their ability." Luuma finally understands why the war frequently happens around the three kingdoms.

"Correct. We, humans, would do anything to protect our land. We cannot lose any more than we have. Even if Miko has become a dead land."

"I'm sorry. I think I feel responsible somehow because I am a demon." Jyana looked guilty.

"Don't be. You're not a demon soldier or a demon at war with us. It's not your responsibility to take it."

Zeliker stares at Flare.

'He doesn't seem hostile towards us and... I didn't dislike his speech this time. Should I accept him as a friend?'

"I guess the Shildia Kingdom deserves to be the strongest human kingdom. If I'm not mistaken, Shildia had zero attacks from any demon kingdoms recently. Only Sharre and Lagendia were still at war. I wonder why?" Krius suddenly asked in confusion.

Flare smirks. "Why not? Didn't you hear about the war three years ago? Who dares to challenge Shildia after the youngest prince from Flink was defeated by Shildia's second prince? Moreover, Flink was supposed to be the strongest demon kingdom... Heh!"

The third team immediately froze in their place while their body released a bucket of sweat while their eyes couldn't help moving toward Zeliker.

They pale when they see his dark expression. Small growls also were heard, coming from their prince.

Zeliker took back his words and glared murderously at Flare. In the end, he really detested this person.

Being reminded about his defeat at the hands of the second prince from Shildia Kingdom, he was aware that Flare was underestimating his abilities.

But three years ago, he conceded defeat in order to put an end to the war. Yet, no one other than him and the Shildia's second prince knew this secret. Oh, wait, Silvert also knows them now.

Nevertheless, hearing Flare's sarcastic remark drove him to want to beat the latter and demonstrate his actual might.

How dare this human belittle his abilities!

The dark pressure released from his anger made the third team shudder in fear. They couldn't help distancing themselves slowly from Zeliker and Flare, who seemed undisturbed by Zeliker's anger.

Instead, the latter was grinning broadly, which left Zeliker with an even worse expression.

Shit. Are they going to be dragged into these two fights? Won't they die?

Crying silently in their heart and wishing they weren't there, they began to feel envious of Enta, Kion, and the others who weren't around.

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