♡ C H A P T E R 8 ♡

Start from the beginning

I smiled and nodded my head.

Y/N:Chan and Gun-il made some breakfast. I was thinking after we could practise a bit?

He softly smiled.

Hyunjin:Of course.

I got up from bed first, opening the door and walking into Gun-il's chest as he was about to knock on the door. I immediately wrapped my arms around his waist, hugging him. His arms hooked around my shoulders, rubbing my back. I could feel warm tears fall down my face as I sobbed into his shirt.

Gun-il:He'll be alright Y/N. I promise. He's strong. And you have to stay strong for him.

I sniffled and looked up at him. He knew how much I care about himself and the rest of xdinary heroes. They were like the family I never had. He brushed a piece of hair out of my face.

Gun-il:Now, come on. Let's get you some breakfast so you can keep staying strong for Hyeongjun.

I nodded my head and took his hand in mine. I'm so lucky to have him. I though as I rested my head on his shoulder while we walked down the hallway, Hyunjin trailing close behind us. Everyone knew how close Gun-il and I were. He had been there to help my through my mental health problems during college and my trainee days. We finally arrived in the dining room, seeing the members of 3racha already sitting at the dining table, filling up their plates. Chan sat at the head of the table. He looked up at me and Gun-il and tilted his head, making eye contact with me.

Chan:What's wrong, sweetie? He looked and sounded concerned.

Gun-il:She's worried, about Jun Han.
He placed his arm around my shoulder, side hugging me. He knew when I was upset, I didn't like to speak.

Gun-il:She treats the others like they're her kids.

Chan:Hey, I totally get it. These are all my kids. He said while cutting into a pancake and chuckling. Hyunjin emerged from behind us and took a seat at the table.

Chan:Hey, you two went to college together, right?

Gun-il:Yeah. He said while leading me to the table. I sat next to him on a bench.

Chan:Berklee, right?

Gun-il:Yep. Here you go. He said while handing me a plate. I smiled at him as a thank you. I closed my eyes and smiled with a tooth doofus grin as he ruffled my hair, causing him to chuckle.

Chan:What'd you two major in?
He said while having his mouth stuffed.

Gun-il:I majored in drums and she did dance. I think she did mostly contemporary and lyrical, right?

I nodded my head. Han and Changbin were having a side conversation as they were done eating but, still sitting at the table, Hyunjin was eating and listening.

Chan:Wait, how'd you two meet then?
He said in a confused tone.

Gun-il:Uhm, the campus cafeteria, actually. We were one of the only few people who ate there for all our meals.

He nodded his head in understanding. Han and Changbin got up from their seats. I scooted closer to Gun-il.

Y/N:Yeah, I seriously dunno where I'd be without this guy, he's gotten me through quite a bit. I said in a quiet voice. He was the first person I told about my home life, along with my sisters suicide.

Chan:Mmhm. I can tell you guys are close. Its always different when you meet someone at your lowest. You can tell when you first get into a friendship based on how they act towards you.

I nodded my head as I cut into a pancake. Han and Changbin placed their dishes in the sink. They turned around, making eye contact with me.

Han:Goodmorning sleepyhead~ He said in a teasing tone.

Y/N:Morning, Han.

Chanbin:Goodmorning Y/N.

He slightly smiled.

Y/N:Morning Changbin.

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