Chapter 8: Robin and Shadow

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"Batman, it's Two Face." Jim turns his attention back to the matter at hand. "He left you a calling card. He dumped it at the second largest park. Attached to two victims he killed." He hands Batman a bag with five poker cards in them. There's a pair of kings, a pair of jacks, and a two of clubs.

"A set of playing cards. Robin, what do you think it could mean?" Batman asks Jason, testing him first. I stay silent and let Jason try his guess first.

"There's two pairs, so maybe he's declaring he'll strike twice tonight." Jason guesses confidently. Batman turns to me next, holding the cards out towards me.

"Cards. Could represent a casino, or gambling. What's the second largest casino in Gotham?" I ask after thinking about it for a moment. "He always does things in two's." My voice comes out of the mask slightly scrambled, it was an effect that Lucius added in to further add to my mystery. I'm not the biggest fan of the voice scrambler, but it's the trial run tonight with it.

"There's also this, there have been sightings of twin criminals in Gotham this week." Jim says, taking out mug shots of identical twin thugs and handing it to Batman. I catch Jason's eye and smirk at him, but he can't see because of my mask. He smirks back anyway, because he knows my looks enough by now.

"Thanks Jim. We'll take care of this." Batman says, then starts to back away once Jim's back is turned to look out at the city. Jason and I are right on his tail as we dramatically exit the roof.

"I could get used to stopping a conversation by just vanishing." I giggle lightly as we fly through the air to our vehicles. 

Batman tells us the location of the casino, and we head out towards it, speeding quickly through the packed Gotham streets. We spot two armored trucks outside of the casino when we get there, one of which is empty, the other has some thugs in it, a set of twins leading some other hired goons.

"Ok, take them down you two, I'll be nearby." Batman says, and sends us towards the armored van. 

It's a final test for us, to see how well we do in actual combat. Jason and I work together flawlessly and take down the goons in just a few hits each. We have them tied up in under five minutes, ready for the police when they arrive.

"Good work Robin, Shadow." Batman growls out proudly when he enters the van after we're done. He closes the door behind him, making it took like nothing happened so Two-Face won't run if he sees his men tied up.

Two-Face comes and opens the armored truck we're in just a few short moments later, and spots us standing guard over his thugs who are tied up. "What?!" He yells out in angry shock. 

He's truly creepy and scary looking in real life here. The rotting angry pinkish/reddish flesh, the lips pulled back from the chemical scars, and the eye bulging out of its socket. His suit is two different colors, but I can see that under it, he is a very strong man with a lot of muscle, even if he is a leaner build than Batman's.

 His suit is two different colors, but I can see that under it, he is a very strong man with a lot of muscle, even if he is a leaner build than Batman's

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