❣~Chapter 4~❣

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[The movie paused]

Ginny: "uhm, who was that?.."

[Ginny asked pointing at the screen that was paused on the young blonde, who looked a lot like her other female "best friend"]

[Everyone looked at Regulus waiting for the answer]

Regulus: "It's about to show who it is in a second."

[Regulus said with a smile on her face while looking at a young version of her female best friend]

[The movie continued]

Regulus: Are you alright?

??: Yes, Thank you!

[Regulus gives the girl a sort of smile before offering her hand for her to shake]

Regulus: Merry Met, Regulus Black nice to meet you.

[The girl gives a shocked look before masking it, as she shakes Regulus' hand]

??: Merry Met, I'm Pandora Lestrange 2nd year Ravenclaw, it nice to meet you as well.

"MY LOVE- I mean LUNA'S MOM!" Ginny cheers as the screen pauses chuckling Regulus started cheering with the young Weasley "WHOO! SEE THAT FUCKERS THAT'S MY BESTFRIEND!!" Many were surprised at the fact she yelled but the Weasley twins just started laughing. Soon the Weasley twins stopped laughing and joined in as well. "[whistles loudly] WHOOO! YOUNG LOVEGOOD!" " IT'S YOUNG LESTRANGE, IDOIT" the twins bickered loudly as Regulus openly laughed at them, not noticing the looks being sent at her. [James Potter was staring lovingly, Severus Snape actually smiled for a moment at his sister, lastly Sirius Black and Remus Lupin looked at her like she had grown another head] "BOYS WILL YOU QUIT IT" Molly screeched as Regulus stopped laughing as she whispered to herself "She sounds like a fucking banshee..." Trying and failing James and Sirius had bursted out laughing at her comment, as Regulus smiles at James a loving look in her eyes, before turning her attention to her brot- well Sirius she smiled softy for a second before looking back at the screen with a blank face. Though the only one who noticed this was Severus who was sitting next to her, he held her hand softly, making her smile for a moment, before the movie started playing again.

Regulus: Lestrange?

Pandora: Yes... That boy you saw earlier is my brother Rabastan, he's angry at me I accidently told his crush he like them, and I got this letter... [She pauses for a moment holding back tears as she said] Mother and Father are disappointed I got Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin...

Regulus: Oh, I'm sorry, I think Ravenclaw is an extraordinary house... My brother was sorted into Gryffindor last year as well...

[This made Pandora smile as looked at Regulus with interest]

Pandora: Tell me about him?

[Regulus brakes out in a grin before she realizes what she was doing and put on her mask again]

[The movie pauses once again with looks like to be an angry Sirius, he angerly rolls his eyes catching Regulus' attention]

Regulus: "Sirius..."

Sirius: "NO-"

[Both Black siblings were about to have a full-on argument before James stepped in]

James: "Okay that's enough, no need to get into an argument let's just watch the movie."

[James said interested in seeing his love's life]

The Dark Sides Traitor~ Fem Regulus Black (On pause for editing!!)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ