"Not only the Spanish main love the whole ocean the whole world,and then you and i we are going to sail all over the world together" Jack said giggling drunkly

"You want me to be with you?" Y/n asked, "of course I want, you are one or maybe the most beautiful and brave woman I ever saw, you are kind and sweet and stubborn and play hard to get,oh i love you." Jack said

"I love you too captain"y/n said and leaned forward and kisses jack, the kiss was a drunken but meaningful kiss.

*time skip:next morning.*

Y/N's pov
I woke up with a bad headache, I try to recover and remember who the hell I am and what happened last night,I looked over and saw a lot of empty bottles of rum, oh gosh I know what happened, I was drunk as hell and I was running around the fire with jack like idiots and.... well I don't remember, I really hope I didn't do anything stupid, I looked down at my self fortunately im all dressed,thats good.

There is just a little pain in my neck,i looked at jack who was still sleeping with a bottle in his hand,"jack, jack wake up." I said trying to wake him up, "five minutes more." He mumbled in a very sleepy voice

"WAKE UP JACK" I almost yelled and slightly slapped him across the face

"You know there are a lot of calm and gentle ways to wake people up."Jack said still confused

"Good morning to you too Mr sparrow." I said avoiding his words

"morning love" He said with a grin

"Such an interesting night last night was don't you agree love?" He said smirking at the memory

"Actually I don't remember." I said playing with my hair(I do it when I'm stressed or nervous)

"Yeah right" jack said jokingly, but then he looked at my face and became a bit more serious,He got out of his lying position and sat down.

"So you really don't remember anything?" Jack questioned

"No I just remember being drunk and running around the fire with you and then everything is black." I said sounding innocent

Jack gave me the most evil grin I ever saw, " well let me remind you then." He said Pressing his lips against mine,Suddenly the memory's of Last night was back in a flash, I pulled away and covered my face with my hands from embarrassment.

"Omg omg omg" I muttered to myself

"Don't need to be that embarrassed love, last night wasn't that bad,it was actually pretty good." Jack said taking my hand off my face looking straight in my eyes.

It was another awkward silence, till this time I broke it "did you mean it?" I asked

"Did I mean what?" Jack asked looking at the horizon

"Last night when you said...well when you said I was kind and sweet and that you lo...." I said nervously

"When I said that I love you?" Jack playfully asked

"Yes that thing." I said trying not to blush remembering the memories.

"I will tell you but under one condition." Jack said still not looking at me

"What condition?" I asked curiously, jack looked at me with his beautiful deep brown eyes "did you meant it when you said you love me back?" He said almost whispering

"Maybe I did Maybe I did not" I said while playfully playing with his messy hair

Jack suddenly grabbed my wrist, "answer me love, Don't make me repeat myself. " He said with a husky voice

I smiled"yes captain I did mean what I said." I said

He smiled and let my wrist go," well that's fascinating cause I was going to say the exact same miss y/l/n." He said

"Did you now captain?" I playfully said touching his lips

He crashed his lips into mine and once again I could feel the fireworks and butterflies.

*A/n: so this is it I really hope you guys enjoyed the story cause I liked It myself a lot, and bye 👋 💖 *

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