Chapter 8

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Kagome's POV

"Ow! Kagome, why'd you do that?" Inuyasha yowled. "Because you are so blind." I replied disdainfully. ".............." inuyasha muttered something that i couldnt understand. "C'mon kagome. How's your ribs and head doing?" He said. "I can think without feeling any pain, and move without a twinge in my ribs." I replied, surprised. "Hmmm.... i wonder....." he muttered. "Wonder what? What do you think is going on with me?" I asked. "You don't need to know." He said over his shoulder. "SIT! OF COURSE I NEED TO KNOW! THIS IS ME WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!" I yelled. "Kagome......." inuyasha whined. "Besides, i have to talk to kaede about my suspision." "Fine. Come on. We might have to go slow, because i feel like running." I said. Inuyasha grumbled something incoherent, but ran off, as fast as he can. I stood up, and then started running. As soon as i did, i knew something was wrong. I was going almost as fast- no, as fast as Inuyasha. He glanced over his shoulder, and then yelped a little in shock. "Hi! So now, you cant run from my you know what's now, right?" I said cheerfully. "How are you doing that? Are you tired?" He asked. "First, I don't know, and two, nope." I replied. "I knew it!" He said with the air of somebody who was right! "So, are you going to tell me about your little theory?" I asked. "No. I have to make sure one last time....." by this time we had ran back to our camp. "Kagome! Where are you going?" Shippo asked as I ran past him. "I..... can't.... stop!" I screamed. Right before I could stop, I ran over to the edge of a cliff- and plummeted down. "Kagome!" Everyone screamed. Inuyasha was about to jump down when I flipped upside down. You see, I was falling head first. Now I was falling feet first- until I landed lightly on the balls of my feet. Now I was stuck in a small canyon. I heard a rustling, and a giant demon holding a sword stomped out of the tiny forest smack dab in the middle of the canyon. I quickly backed up, but the froze when I snapped a twig. "Get OUT!" Roared the demon. He lifted the sword, and I tensed. Both Kilala and Inuyasha flew/jumped over, trying to get to me. It was too late. The demon swung the sword. Amazingly, I jumped right before the sword hit me. Landing on the sword (it was big enough) i tottered, and then held my balance. "Who are you?" Asked the confused giant/demon. "No one of importance." I replied. "Raar!" It roared. "Wind scar!" A voice yelled, and the demon giant disintegrated. "Inuyasha!" I screamed as a fell, the sword plummeting since the master wasn't around to hold it any longer. Suddenly, Kilala appeared, catching me before I hit the ground. "How on earth do you do that stuff Kagome?" Asked Inuyasha as I landed at the top of the canyon. "I don't know." I replied. Looking around, I realized that we were back in Kaede's village. Inuyasha stomped off to talk to Kaede.

Later that night

Inuyasha's POV

"She has to be! I mean, that is what happened, and that is compared to mine! The only explanation is that I am a full demon and...." I said. "Hmmm... I would need some tests, some evidence, and Kagome needs to know about this too." Kaede said wisely. "You're right.... I will tell her my suspicions later when she goes to bed. She's busy playing a cad game with Sango." I said. "Card game, Inuyasha. Card game." Kaede said and stood up. "Goodnight Inuyasha." she said and exited the room.


"Psst, Kagome!" I whispered, shaking her. "What-" "Sh! Don't wake anybody up and follow me." I said, and led her to the meeting room. "What is it Inuyasha?" she asked. "I think I know why you can suddenly do all of this stuff." I replied. "Really? What?" she asked quickly. "I think you...." I responded, "I think you are a half demon."

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