Return from Tenrou

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The last thing you remember...

"SEA DRAGON ROAR" you hit that bastard dragon with everything you had, so how? How was he not even grazed? You looked to your friends who were scattered around standing in both defensive and offensive positions ready to take whatever the black dragon threw at them. But you knew, you could feel the lack of magic energy that all your guild mates had; not to mention you were almost out of gas too. "Acnologia..." when you came to Tenrou island for the S-Class trials, you weren't expecting the signal flare to be set off meaning that an enemy was attacking. And you definitely were not expecting it to be grimoire heart, and now Acnologia. The large dragon swung it's tail down and tried to sweep you off the face of the earth, you all managed to avoid it thankfully; you were beginning to lose hope... 'we're dragon slayers, and we can't even defeat one dragon together' Tears Welled up in your eyes and were about to fall, until you felt a presence next to you, you looked up to see. "... Wendy?" The blue haired girl looked down at you, she was almost like a little sister to you. She grabbed your hand and lifted you off of your feet. "Please don't lose hope Y/N. We've come this far so we can't give up!" You saw everyone in the guild holding hands, ready to give Acnologia everything they had. You wiped your spilling tears, got back on your feet, and nodded your head at Wendy before joining hands with her to your right and Juvia to your left. From across you, was all the exceeds: Happy, Carla, Lilly, and your Exceed Cosmo. You gave Wendy one last smile, and shut your eyes. That's when it all went dark. Unbeknownst to you that it would be the longest sleep of your life.

A wooden boat had docked itself at the shore of Tenrou island, 5 people jumped from the boat onto the island, they seemed to be following a spirit of some kind; until they came to a complete stop shocked by what they saw in front of them. 'a bandage covered hand, spiky pink hair' the 5 people ran up the place, and dug out the person who that hand belonged to. Tears Welled up in all their eyes and fell like mini waterfalls. "NATSU!" they all yelled simultaneously, waking said dragon slayer up, who seemed to have no clue what was going on. "WHAT THE HELL, CAN'T A MAN SLEEP IN PEACE!?" Natsu stopped yelling when he looked at the people in front of him. "Jet? Droy..? Max? Bisca and Alzack!?" What are you guys doing here?" "We'll explain later, after we've gathered the rest of you, do you know where everyone else is?" Bisca exclaimed urgently, just wanting to see her friends again.

You woke up to the feeling of your H/C hair being tugged. Your E/C eyes shot open from the pain that your scalp was being subjected to. You were about to yell at the person doing it until you sat up and wave of pain overcame your head. "Ugh...what Happened? And why does my head hurt so much?" your eyes were still adjusting to the light, when two figures jumped on top of you hugging you tightly. "Y/N! You're here, you're okay!" You recognized the voice as Bisca's, and you could tell from his scent that Alzack was here too. "Umm.. what happened?" All three of your heads spun around to the voice recognisable as Cosmo's. Somehow he ended up being buried right next to you. Picking up Cosmo, you held him tightly to your chest as you got up and followed Alzack and Bisca to the boat. "I'm wondering the same thing"

When you arrived at the boat, most people were already there, your eyes immediately scanned the boat for Wendy, soon catching sight of her and Carla sitting down at the back of the boat. Wendy noticed you coming and ran up to give you a hug.

You walked past Lucy and Erza who expressed their relief at seeing that you were okay. Soon everyone was found, and the ship set off back in the direction of Magnolia. Wendy took off to try and cast her troya spell on Natsu to relieve his motion sickness. Everyone was now clustered around the middle of the ship around Max, who explained why they were there. Your eyes shot wide open ' seven years... we were gone for seven whole years?' you sigh in disbelief as the sun sends it's blinding rays of warmth over the boat, the feeling soothed you and relaxed your tense shoulders.

Your head and arms were covered in bandages that still felt like they'd only just been put on. The only thing running through your mind at that moment were the flashbacks of your battle with the black dragon. "Hey..what's on your mind?" You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Mirajane speak to you. "I'm just in shock...we've been asleep for seven whole years, and it's all because of Acnologia. Think about how much we've missed out on."

Mira placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a comforting smile. "It's okay. He's gone now" you don't know how, but Mirajane was always good at comforting people, she soon put her hands on Cosmo's head petting him gently whilst he was sleeping in your lap. "I just hope that all out friends weren't suffering whilst we were gone" she said. You looked up at the sky causing your H/C hair to fall behind your shoulders and sighed quietly "yeah..."

you were out of it to say the least, but remember Master Makarov saying something about being saved by the first master? You silently thanked her in your head.

You soon shut your eyes and relaxed to the sound of the waves, and waited until you could wake up and say that you were finally home.

A/N: this story, and maybe future stories will all be released on quotev first, where I first uploaded this book.

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