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"Come on." Maia smirked. "Put your back into it."

"Shut up." Miguel scoffed, annoyed she was beating him. "You distract me."

"You distract yourself, Diaz, don't blame me."

"Alright... come at me." He nodded. Again, she took him out with ease. "Son of a bitch." He huffed, as she hoisted him to his feet.

"I've had years worth of extra training, you're not gonna beat me until your caught up on yours." She sympathised.

"Hey, so... what's going on between you and Eli?"

"What do you mean?"

"You like him." He accused. She let out a sigh, throwing her head back for a moment.

"Okay, we're friends, right? Meaning I can confide in you and you're not gonna tell the others, yeah?"

"Of course."

"Okay... so maybe I do like him like a little but... y'know, I wouldn't know how to approach that. Do I tell him? Do I not tell him? Should I make a move? And if I do tell him, how's he gonna respond? Is he gonna freak out? Is he gonna just ghost me? Does he even like me like that? Does he think im wierd-- theres just, too many ifs anf buts."

"I probably shouldn't say anything... but he likes you a lot more than you think."

"He does?" He nodded, and she smiled.

"You're blushing." He gasped, and she hit his shoulder. They were both distracted by the bell on the door ringing, and they looked to it.


"You're... Aisha, right?" Maia asked, and she nodded. "What are you doing here?"

"Um, I'm here for karate."

"Yes! That's awsome- you're awsome. Father!!"


The next day, during lunch, Maia was late to the party. Lord knows what she was doing, but when she eventually appeared, she sat, leaning forwards in her chair, and laying her head on the table. The boys shared a look, hoping she was hadn't just arrived and died in one swift movement.

"Maia?" Dimitri asked, poking her shoulder.

"If only you knew what it was like to be a girl." She whined.

"Oohh, I get it. That time of the month, is it?" He laughed, and she snapped up her eyes to look at him. "I'm a dead man." Upon hearing some commotion, Maia sat back to spectate. She saw some girl having a heated conversation with Kyler, and she let out a groan.

"Leave it alone, Kyler!" She snapped, and they turned to her. "She doesn't wanna go home with you."

"You mean like you did?" He taunted.

"Maybe in your dreams I did." She scoffed. "You try too hard, man. Just relax and let a girl come to you."

"You're giving me advice? What qualifies you? The only friends you have is 'rhea, lip, and that Dimitri kid."

"Hey! I have some wicked cramps and I will drag your ass down to the depths of hell if you keep badmouthing my boys."

"Your boys? What, are you screwing all three of them?" He sassed.

"Don't talk to her like that." Migurl suddenly jumped in. "Just leave the girls alone."

"You want another beat down, 'rhea?" He hissed, and Miguel brought up his fists. "I told you, your lame-ass karate won't save you."

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