• 32 ~ Don't Fool Yourself •

Start from the beginning

They would be actively participating in battles and strategy formation. The loyalty that Gorou made them pledge on their first day would be tested from here on out.

"Y/n, you look way too anxious for my comfort!" Koyama said, standing up and coming near them. "The delusion supply is gonna come again today. Wanna go check it out?"

Y/n looked at him with a dull expression. Koyama just wanted to give them a distraction. What he did not know was that the delusion supply was something Y/n also needed a distraction from.

"Fine." They replied. What's the worst that can happen at this point anyway?

• • • ᯽᯽᯽ • • •

This was the second time Y/n found themself near the outskirts of the Resistance camp, away from the rest of the commotion.

Sadly, there wasn't much they'd been able to do since the last time they encountered this secret trade of delusions.

Being here again only solidified their incompetence.

After what felt like a long time, the supplier finally arrived. Y/n had their gaze lowered, not wanting to see the expression of the Fatuus they met last time.

"Ah, there you are. It took longer than before." Hisahiko commented.

"I apologise." A familiar voice responded. Y/n immediately looked up to see the flicker of white hair under the hood.

"Well, whatever. So long as you don't bail on us." Matsuda chuckled, receiving the bag of delusions that Aless handed to him, then turned to Y/n. "You good?"

"Ah.." Y/n wanted to say something to Aless. To ask why he was here, or what happened to the Fatuus who was initially put in charge of this task. But they couldn't give it away that they knew him.

Aless, however, flashed them a look of sincerity, before turning back to the other Resistance members.

"Due to closed reasons, the delusion supply will now arrive in the morning rather than the current time." He said, giving a small bow. "I hope that's okay."

Hisahiko and Matsuda nodded along to whatever he said. Koyama didn't respond, but that was because he was in awe of how differently Aless conducted himself compared to the previous Fatuus.

Yeah, well.. Y/n mentally sweatdropped. He does take after Scaramouche.

Their eyes met Aless' again, and a smile formed on their lips. Despite saying he'd never follow anyone's orders other than his master's, he was here assisting Y/n.

"Thank you." They said to him, before promptly adding, "For the delusions."

Aless gave them a nod, before disappearing into black fog.

"Well, that's that." Hisahiko stretched on his toes. "Are you feeling better now, Y/n?"

"Yes..." Y/n smiled. "Oddly, I am."

• • • ᯽᯽᯽ • • •

"Today, you all will be tested on your ability to combat hardships." General Gorou spoke loud and clear.

Apparently, Y/n wasn't the only one who was about to be tested. There were other trainees who were also due an official entry into the Resistance.

𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕝 𝕃𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕄𝕖 [Scaramouche x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now