I stood in shock still wide eyed and my mouth slightly agape. I looked over to the grey wolf of the club that is Legoshi. He was also wide eyed with his mouth open. I turned back to the group.

"How many times have you called him?" Bill asked getting to his feet. Everyone got to their feet and crowded her, except I and one certain grey wolf.

"About 78 times?" She said tears still pouring down her cheeks.

"Okay you would have thought he would answer at least one of the calls." Sheila said letting go of her shoulders.

"Exactly! He would never miss or decline a call from me, and I would never miss or decline a call from him. It's our twin rules. He's the only family I have left and family always come first." Heidi spoke looking down at the floor, her tears still flowing down her face.

"What do you mean?" Sheila asked.

"Our parents died when we were pups. Our parents' best friends happened to be married and couldn't have kids themselves so they took us in. They are our adoptive parents. A bengal tiger as our father and a Siberian tiger as our mother. Our new father retired after the finalisation of our adoption and decided to pursue his dreams of being a fashion designer that creates man's and woman's clothing for both carnivores and herbivores alike with no divide. Our new mother is a healthcare worker at the hospital and refused to retire as she's not in any risk of passing on. Diesel is all I have left in my blood family." She explained still not looking up.

A series of chatters of 'I'm so sorry that happened to you.' And 'oh my we had no idea!'

I have a small gasp. I heard a gasp and looked to legoshi. He also was in a lot of shock and his mouth hung open a little wider than before.

"Wait... hold up so your adopted." Tao asked.

"That's right. So's diesel. I wouldn't mention it to him though, if we ever see him again, he doesn't want to remember. But what do we do about him missing?" She said almost shouting.

"Hey... drama club, keep it down will ya?" We all turned to look at the open double doors. A male hyena stood there with a saxophone around his neck. He was accompanied by a golden retriever with a violin. "We're trying to practice next door. What's with all the shouting?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was being so loud. Do forgive me." Heidi spoke turning around to face the hyena.

"Woah... are you okay?" The hyena asked with concern.

"Heidi! Have you heard from Diesel?" The golden retriever asked.

"No... Murphy, I haven't."

"That's really strange that he didn't come back. Like he's gone without a trace." The golden now known as Murphy, said looking to the side in thought.

"Wait... your missing someone too?" The hyena spoke looking at Heidi.

"Yes, my brother. He went missing last night." She spoke to the hyena.

"What do you mean by 'too'?" I asked the hyena.

"My roommate who is a doberman x husky hybrid went missing as well last night. He left campus yesterday to 'run some errands' but didn't tell me anything else, he just left and never came back. Our house mother is furious! Maybe their disappearances are connected in some way? Meh, Axel is one strange first year pup, but I doubt he would be kidnapped. Anyway, we'd better get back to practice Murph, before the conductor gets mad." The hyena spoke looking to the side at the golden. Murphy have a small nod before turning to go. "I hope you find your brother soon!" The hyena said before turning as well giving us a wave goodbye.

Beastars: The Beast and Louisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें