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Their will be smut in this chapter !!


I wake up in Gwen's room with nothing but silence, I sat myself up and see that Gwen was gone

I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs and over hear a conversation between the two "I'm really sorry, Finney, I know he was your friend" Gwen says softly "Don't say "was" he is my friend" Finney says "Sorry" Gwen apologizes "Can you do that dream thing?" Finney asked

"What dream thing" I asked as I walked into the kitchen "Nothing" Gwen shot a look at me quickly

God why do I have to be so nosey

"I'm gonna head home, see you guys later" I said as I walked out of the Blake residence, it was pouring rain outside so I started running trying my best not to get anything wet

I enter my house and dry myself off, I make my way up to my room and hang the picture of me and Vance near my vanity, I crash onto my bed and gently placed the cow plushie down, after all it was 6 in the morning and I was extremely exhausted so I decided to take a quick nap

I woke up to the noise of heavy rain hitting my window, hair was a mess and I was sweaty, I try to sit myself up, its 10:39 am, I go to shower

I come out of the shower with a bad headache, I get dressed and just then I hear something hit my window over and over again, I look over to see small rocks hitting the window, I walk over and look out to see Vance, he yelled out something but I couldn't exactly hear what he was saying

I opened up my window and he starts to find a way to climb in "These are for you" he hands over some wet fresh flowers "Where did you get these from?" I asked, it was a mix of roses, lavender and tulips "I picked them on my way" Vance says softly, I walk down to the kitchen and search for a vase, Vance follows by

"I couldn't stop thinking about last night, I really wanted to see you" Vance mentions "Aw does Vance have a soft spot for me?" I taunt him "Not at all" he smiled, I found a vase and placed the flowers in it, I went over to the sink and turned it on with the vase under it 

"Did you hear what happened?" his smile slowly faded away "Y-yeah I did" a wave a guilt over became me "I knew you two were close and all" Vance said "He was a man sent from heaven and I'm more than glad that I've gotten to know him well over the past week" I took a pause "He was taken too soon" I could feel a tear run down my face  

I turn off the sink and turned to face him "its best if we don't talk about this" I wiped the tear off my face 

"How about we dance in the rain?" Vance asked "Sounds romantic, but you dancing? Never imagined that" I scoffed "I'm a great dancer" Vance exclaims "We're gonna catch a cold though" 

"I don't care, we can be sick together" he says as he holds his hand out, I took his hand instantly 

Vance lead me to the middle of the road with our fingers still being intertwined, we both looked at each other, water droplets running down both of our faces, I can see his curls beginning to fade 

Vance wasted no time and pulled me against him, he dips me then twirls me around and dips me once more, I laugh

he turned me around and snugs his head onto my shoulder and wrapped his hands around my waist as we began to sway

We break apart and I run over to a puddle then kick it getting rain water all over him "Asshole" just then a lightening struck 6 feet away from me "HOLY SHIT" we ran back into the house soaking wet

I shut the door behind me and lean against it then slowly going down to take a seat on the floor, I look over at Vance and he was already looking at me, then we burst out into laughter 

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