the mirror

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No one pov.

Harry sat straight up and looked around he was in the hospital wing. He was then greeted by a worried Ron and Hermione. Madam profery was talking to Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

Harry's pov.

My head was spinning but I could still understand where I was and who was around me. Hermione was saying that I had been in a potions accident where the potion had gone wrong. Probably a wrong ingredient Ron said. As I looked over I saw Neville ( I actually figured out how to spell his name LOL 😂)  he looks very nervous and guilty. He said he must have added too much let's just call it botela idk. They were all staring at me weird and I looked over and saw Ginny awwing at me. Weird?

Readers POV.

The professors looked over and saw that Harry up and he looked very confused. Professor McGonagall walked over to Harry and just gave him a mirror ( I think we know where this is going) Harry realized that the mirror was very hard to hold but he saw his own reflection and went pale as a ghost. I think he would look like this  ⬇⬇⬇
Jk no spoilers

AN: sorry that these chapters are so short I'm not that fast at riding and I don't really have any ideas for the next chapter but I'm really thinking of some again feel free to add any suggestions you might have in the comments thanks for any support okay bye

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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