"You never deserve it. It's always me. I understand and I'll do better."

"That's all I ask. Actually, it's not. There is something else."


Arie takes a breath, "We need to start using protection."

"Condoms? Why?"

"Because it isn't just us. You sleep with Bree."

"I use protection with her."

"Every time?"

"Every single time we have never done raw."


"I have only ever done that with you because I want to be closer to you."

"I'm glad to hear that and I do feel the same but we have to be respectful to Bree and Caleb. It's just the responsible, safe, and respectful thing to do."

I groan, "You do realize that the only reason I haven't broken up with her is because of you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said you wouldn't move in."

"But it must be more than that you dated her for almost a year."

"Don't get me wrong I care for Bree. She's a sweet girl...to me. It's just difficult. I'm trying to tap into a part of myself I sealed away. It feels like there isn't energy left for her. I don't mean to be cruel I really just want to focus on you now."

"Don't be that way you only feel like that because you aren't making an effort."

"Why should I? You don't even like her and my friends just tolerate her."

"She didn't make a good impression on me."

"She makes a good impression on literally no one. She is vapid. You only want me with her cause you're afraid of me and want a buffer between us."

"Fine do what you want. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop seeing Caleb and go on having unprotected sex with you."

"I hate the trajectory of this conversation."


"I want you to myself."

"You had me to yourself for many many years and you left me on the shelf to get dusty. If you want me you're going to have to woo me fair and square. You're already getting grandfathered in you get no other advantages."

I smirk, "Liar. I get some advantages."

Arie taps his fingers against my head, "You're such a dummy. Is now the time to be bragging?"

I move and blanket him with my body.

"Why not? I should take advantage of having you to myself right now."

"Hmmmm," He whines adorably as I slip my hands into his shorts to slip them off along with his underwear.

I lean back onto my knees and lift his legs pulling the shorts free.

"Stop, Tee."He whines pitifully.

"Stop what?" I ask as I place both his legs on my shoulders and lay against him bending him in half.

"Why do you always do this before I bathe? I haven't even washed my face."

"I haven't washed my face either." I lean in to kiss him and he places his palm covering my mouth.

Unrequited? Air at SeaWhere stories live. Discover now