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Today was the day the students brought their parents to school so they could tell the class what they do for a living.

"I'm sorry, Soyala. I'm currently busy and unfortunately cannot come."

Soyala wasn't surprised to hear that her mother didn't have time for her yet again.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you at home then, mom."

"I'm really sorry dear. If it might cheer you up, I'll cook your favorite dish."

The young girl was really thankful that she had at least that time with her.

''I would be very happy about that. Thanks, mom." And she hung up.


Before Soyala went back to class, she met Adrien, who greeted her. She noticed his depressed mood.

„Let me guess. Your dad dumped you too?"

Adrien was surprised to see that Soyala was so direct with her situation.

"It's nothing new. I see I'm not the only one, as always."

„No big deal. The day is also really nothing more than a big waste of time. Don't worry Adrien. It remembers me of our time together as kids." After her statement, Soyala went back to class without a word.


After all the fuss over Chloe's stolen bracelet, Sabrina's father was akumatized since the mayor fired him. Everyone else continued to discuss who the thief could be until Sabrina's father stormed into the class as a roger cop to arrest the mayor.

Soyala snuck away to transform. "Nyxx, wings out!"

Transformed, she met her two partners and together they started fighting Rogercop. In the midst of this, Chloe was drawn in as well, which annoyed Badwing. In order to save Chloe, all three superheroes had to get into Rogercop's car, which strangely flew.

"I don't want to alarm you, but we're up in the sky, on a flying car, and I'm scared of heights!" Badwing didn't realize the situation she was in until just now.

"Don't worry, love. I'll protect you." Chat Noir put his arm around her waist and grinned at her.

"You can flirt later! First we have to figure out how to get down here and turn Rogercop back." Ladybug, like the other two, tried to keep her balance so as not to fall off the car.

Suddenly Rogercop stepped on the roof of the car and the fight began.

A careless second and Badwing was thrown from the car.

"Badwing!" Chat tried to catch her.

"Take the line!" Ladybug threw her line at her, which the girl couldn't catch.


Chat Noir and Ladybug tried to get rid of Rogercop.

"What have you done!?" Chat looked like he was about to punch Rogercop, which he did. Eventually, Ladybug and Chat Noir fell off the car too, landing softly on the ground thanks to Ladybug.

"Nice to see you guys." Badwing then stood in front of Chat, who was still hanging upside down.

"Oh hello. I'm head over heels with joy to see you, love." As Chat said this, he leaned his head closer and tried to kiss the heroine.

Before he could execute it, however, Ladybug let go of her string and Chat fell straight to the ground, causing Badwing to laugh.

"Thanks, LB." She helped Chat back up.

"You're welcome."


Arriving at the Eiffel Tower, the three hatched their plan to defeat Rogercop.

"There's no point in pursuing him. Unfortunately, his lead is already too big."

"If he's looking for the mayor—" Chat Noir began.

"Then he's on his way to City Hall," Badwing finished.

"Does that mean you have a plan?" Chat looked questionably at his two partners, who grinned knowingly at each other.


"Now we're the most wanted criminals." Chat, LB, and Badwing hid on a rooftop and watched City Hall, which was swarming with cops.

Badwing looked at Chat with a grin. "At least I can cross that off my to-do list."

"And without us doing anything!"

"Exactly! You can't accuse anyone without evidence." Chat Noir stood up suddenly. "A court hearing could clarify that!"

Everyone got up. "Not while Rogercop is the chief judge."

"We've saved Paris so many times." Chat Noir was fed up with the whole thing.

Now Soyala got involved too. "And we will save Paris now."

With the plan in place, Chat Noir distracted the cops and Ladybug and Badwing headed to City Hall.

When they arrived, Ladybug opened the door to the mayor's office and they both crept in.
Chloe saw the two of them and Soyala moved her index finger in front of her mouth to signal that she should be quiet.

"Go on, Badwing and Ladybug, go!" As always, Chloe had to screw things up.

Badwing and Ladybug just done with her and slapped their hands on each other's faces.

"Ladybug, Badwing. It's time for justice to prevail." Rogercop also noticed the two and so they came out of hiding.

"I'd say you're confusing justice with vengeance, Rogercop." Ladybug deflected the beams fired at both.

"Lucky Charm!"

"What are we supposed to do with an oven mitt, LB?"

"Good question." And more beams were fired.

"Where's the black cat when you need him?"

"You call, I'm coming. I'm so easy to get," came a voice suddenly from behind.

They both turned and saw the culprit and made their way to his side.

"The akuma must be in the pipe." Ladybug came up with the idea again. "We have to get it somehow."


Ladybug analyzed the situation. "We need something like a ring."

Suddenly a hand hammered through the table behind which the three superheroes were hiding.

"Okay...WHERE SHOULD WE FIND A RING!? THIS GUY IS INSANE! DOESN'T HE HAVE ANY CONTROL!?" Badwing was fed up with the whole thing and just wanted to go home to get something to eat.

When Rogercop started shooting again, everyone split up again, with Badwing finding Chloe's bracelet. "That was quicker than expected." She picked up the ring. "Ladybug! Catch!" And already Ladybug got the bracelet.

"Well, now you two just have to distract him."

"We can do this."

She and Chat Noir ran towards Rogercop. Chat used his caclysm and smashed the floor, pinning Rogercop. When he tried to free himself again, Badwing used her Banshee scream and Rogercop froze.

Chat and Badwing high-fived while Ladybug disabled Rogercop's hands and caught the Akuma.

"Pound it," everyone chimed in.

Suddenly, Chat's ring beeped. "If I don't go now, you'd see me without my mask and I'm sure you couldn't resist me." Chat looked at Badwing seductively.

"Sweet, but I doubt it. If it makes you feel any better then of course I believe you." She grinned at Chat.

And so, they all disappeared into the night of Paris.

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