Chapter Three

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    Gareth went to the doctor earlier that morning and found that Andy, for once in his life, was right. He had broken his ring finger and was wearing a splint. He almost smiled when thinking about what the Basketball player had done to help, but he stopped himself 'i still hate him though.' Gareth thought as he dug up some unfinished d&d figures and decided to paint them.


     Andy was at home by now and looking for his missing letterman he couldn't find it anywhere and needed it that night for a game after all the tournament was in a few weeks and everything had to be perfect.

     After a while of searching he lift his room and told his mom he was going out.

     It was peaceful outside just settling into autumn, the leave were still on most trees and were an assortment of colours from red, orange, yellow and brown. Andy took a deep breath and admired the sight before him.

     He walked down the sidewalk shivering from the breeze for he had on only a t-shirt and jeans.


     Gareth heard a know on his front door and since his mother wasn't home he went downstairs to answer it himself.

     When the front door opened and revealed the tall Basketball player he sighed and looked up at him in annoyance, "Your back," he stated unimpressed.

      Andy chuckled, "yeah,, I think I forgot my jacket here the other day and I was wondering if you had scene it,"

      "Uh… I don't think I have," Gareth replied awkwardly opening the door more and stepping aside, "come in I you want and you can check I guess,"

      Andy walked inside a bit shocked that he was even letting him in the house, "ok, sure!" He smiled.

      The two walked up stairs into Gareth's room and the taller of the two started to look around threw his things.

      Gareth looked over to see Andy digging threw his collection of movies, looking at each one as if trying to find a certain one, "Hey! Get out of those!" He reached over and took the box away from him, "those are expensive!"

      Andy looked up unbothered, "I just wanted to see if you had any good ones," he smiled.

      He sighed, "did you even find it,"

      "What? The movie?" Andy guessed.

      "Your jacket." Gareth chuckled at the other boy's obliviousness.

      "Oh yeah it's right here," he smiled, grabbing the jacket from beside him and standing up, looking down at Gareth.

       "Well you can leave now then," the shorter boy said. But for some reason he didn't want Andy to go, it was weird but he kind of injured his company.

       Andy frowned, "maybe I could come back some other day and we could watch a movie or something?" He asked.

       "Uhh," he questioned, "sure, maybe," why he said that he didn't know but he did and know but what he did know was he was going to regret it later.

       "Great! See you at school then?" Andy beamed, remembering it was a Sunday and that the school week was starting the next day.

       Gareth nodded and lead him out of his room to the front door jestering for him to leave.

       "Bye," Andy said walking down the steps of his doorstep.

       "Bye," Gareth replied waving to the Basketball player as he left there driveway and started down the sidewalk, a smile forming on his face.


572 words :)
The chapters will get longer after time don't worry
Bye <3

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