•chapter 15• crossroads

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Avery's Current POV

I'm currently in the air. It's 6:28 a.m. and I'm trudging through the muck of work. Today, we're just doing some easy flight exercises after we do some morning warm ups.

As my plane is gliding across the clouds I get to watch a beautiful sunset full of oranges and pinks. Its truly the best part of this career.

  It's almost October now. The mission is in the final works. I still wish things hadn't gone the way they did. The heart I've broken is my own. It's all over now.

  I glance to my right and see a plane in the distance. The plane is labeled Rooster on the side. My stomach suddenly is on a rollercoaster. Rooster is headed in the opposite direction. We are at a crossroad. This is where we part and this is where we end.  There aren't any good enough reasons to stay. I've been wounded by him and now I'm bleeding. We cannot go back where we came from.

A part of me will always miss Bradley. The love we share is so unlike anything else. Our love is reckless and emotional, yet it is so fulfilling and loving. I will never know anyone like him. I will always be his and he will always be mine. Bradley is the love of a lifetime far longer than mine.

Avery - one week later

I feel numb. Numb to people, to activities, to work. My life is numb. I think that having so much emotion and desperation used up leaves me empty and unsatisfied. My life will never be the same.

It is midnight and I'm lying awake in bed. These long nights have happened more and more often lately. The mission is in three days. I've been spending all my time focused on work or thinking about work.

  The time to move on has passed and my life is different now. This is the prime of my career and I have to succeed. The mission is the most important thing.

  Finally, sleep graces me with it's presence until my alarm goes off after what feels like an hour. Time to restart this vicious cycle of life.

I get up and brush my teeth, change into my uniform and make myself a cup of coffee. My hair is tied into a tight bun on top of my head. I start my car and head to work. Today we are going over protocol for the mission. We work today and tomorrow and then have Friday off before we leave on Saturday.

I pull my car into the lot and head in. My poker face automatically comes on at work. Nobody will see my weakness or distress. Even though this has been tough, work comes first.

After everyone is seated, Maverick rushes in with two commanders following him. "I'm gonna need all hands on deck. Prepare yourselves now because the mission date has changed to today."


Author's note:

  Its been so long! High school has me swamped so I have had literally zero time. I know this part is short but i'm going to start with 500 word chapters frequently and work my way back up to where I am. Thank you guys for all the love. You have no idea what it means!💗

Attaboy ~ Bradley BradshawWhere stories live. Discover now