Gwess's confession

Start from the beginning

I remember those times very well, I remembered well, one day when I was four, we went there on a afternoon day just like this one, one of the waiter at that place had given each of us, a bag of dry noodles before our order, for if we had decided to order a type of china heritage soup, we would dip the noodles in and allow the warm moist heat and warmth of the stew to warm them up a tiny bit, so they wouldn't just be dry anymore, It was like preparing for us to make our own bowl of noodles, except we had to break the sticks in half carefully so that we could fit them in properly on the bowl, I smiled on the event that followed that day, I always found it fascinating how father and mother would always remember to spend the right amount of Yen that would help to pay us up on the most fancy looking types of dishes that were on the slips of menus, these memories were then filling up on my mind, as I remembered this one time where Koichi and I were left alone to guard our seats while our parents had went on to talk to the manager about our order, my brother and I decided to play a game where we would pick up the sticks of dry noodles on the side of our dishes, and place them by on the table forming different types of little figures on it, like sometimes we would form a samurai, and sometimes, even a forest of bamboo that would cover up the table a little.

I even remembered how I once also made a perfect replica of the tower that is seen on the books that I have read.

Though I never did know what it was called, I knew that it was a tower used back by our ancestors to help detect any intruder from within the vicinity of the city townspeople, we would always have much fun in playing with the dry noodle sticks that by the time we were done and our parents came back with our order they would notice that there was none left on the table, I couldn't stop laughing from the memory that has occurred that day, I was wee little lad, a wee little lad, with quite one big of an imagination, I smiled brightly back at the two people before me and nodded my head, ' sure thing, we shall it would be nice to relive the memories of our past. We all then went over to the entrance of the restaurant before the school, I looked up at the sign above it read'

' Welcome, to Black Samurai's restaurant, enjoy the divine taste of our naturally exquisite tastes, be sure to come back to taste our divine treats.''

' hah, what a welcoming sign, I always wonder how they manage to put such design on the lettering from the sign to give such a warm and welcoming feel, our instincts than allowed us to walk up to the owner of the establishment, he greeted us with a warm and kind smile, ' Nee how, young ones, welcome to our divine establishment, the price to come inside is only four hundred yen to come right inside our vicinity, I noticed that like the director he also bore small glasses, and yet his eyes also appear to be welded shut, this once again led me to question if these people could actually see, or if they were actually blind this time and they're merely using their senses of hearing or smell to detect us of our location, the part of paying was a cinch as that was handled by Gwen who took out two yen bills from her pouch that she carried long with her, ' here ya are sir, my parents always leave me with one thousand yen a week whenever I am out of the house, she remarks.

Okay now that was unexpected, one thousand, how rich was this girl exactly, she seems to be on the exact same age as I am and yet still appeared to be popping up whichever kind of money she could grab out of her pouches, is this how she was able to get the materials to make most of her dolls, on top of that did she buy some of the dolls that she owns which was it, but getting off track of te story, we all entered the facility, where we all then took our time to glance around the indoor, the interior was made entirely out of wood, pine wood to be precise, and some of the pillars also seemed to be made out of strong bamboo, some of the side of the bamboo railings I could see lantern it up on each side, each burning red, a very majestic color if I say so myself, this alongside the fact that the floor was also made out of some cotton, it was no wonder that this was so well received, the memories all came crashing down m head all at the same time, each of them recollecting the happy moments again from before, I turned my attention over to Koichi, and I could tell he also was dashed with the memories from this place.

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