Chapter 12 - Hell-o, Darkness my Old Friend

Start from the beginning

Within the blink of an eye, the mysterious woman then knocked Himeno, Aki, Beats, and the other two bodyguards. This leaves us with Yoshida, Denji, Power, and Y/N. 

Actually, scratch that. Power is out as she was on the floor pretending to be dead. 

"Hey, kid, try to keep up" Y/N said to Yoshida. 

Y/N then causes an explosion behind him, boosting him towards the eyepatched woman. The woman just sidestepped and kicked, which managed to land on Y/N's belly. 

Yoshida smiled as he replied "Already ahead of you"

Y/N kneeled and held his belly "Man... I don't really... Wanna go all out"

Yoshida summoned an octopus' tentacle, which released a thick black ink toward the woman. He used the distraction to get behind her. She seemed to anticipate it as she kicked him on the chin, knocking him out cold. 

The woman was about to kill Yoshida if it weren't for Kishibe to appear with two unconscious fiends in his arms. 

"Quanxi, it's been a long time" Kishibe said before turning to look at the remaining fighters "Denji, Power, Y/N, restrain these two. If they try anything, kill them" 

The three followed the order. Kishibe and Quanxi then sat at a table near the window, then started chatting with each other. 

Y/N did not listen to their conversation as he was busy checking the fiends. 

'I'd give this one a 7/10. She seems like she has a shitty attitude' Y/N then looked at the fiend Denji was restraining '9/10. No comment' 

'You have weeeeeird tastes'

'I'll tell Siren you said that' 

Suddenly, an unimportant dude with a scar on his eye appeared behind Denji and aimed his gun at him. 

Y/N threw the fiend that he restrained at the newcomer, which landed and made him lose his grip on his gun. 

"Ah, classic get help strat. Never gets old" He heard a thud behind him, and he turned around to see the fiend Denji had restrained do an Uno reverse card on him.

"Quanxi!" She yelled. 

Quanxi then punched Kishibe in the face, then threw him off the window, landing on, you guessed it, Kobeni's car (RIP).

"Bye bye" Y/N then kicked the man with the scar off the window, landing on Kobeni's car again (RIP)

"Hrk!?" Y/N had his collar pulled as Quanxi threw him off the window too. 

Y/N managed to create his flaming wings just in time as he was about to land on Kobeni's car (RIP). 

As he ascended back to the floor, he was met with Yoshida being thrown off as well. Man, Quanxi loves throwing people off, doesn't she? 

Y/N saw that the two bodyguards, Aki, Himeno, and Beats were conscious once again. Quanxi stared at Y/N, who unsheathed his gun and dagger.

"Don't you fuckin dare throw me off again" Y/N said. 

All of a sudden, Y/N's surroundings disappeared. The only thing left was the empty cold void. 

"The fuh- guys?! Anyone?!" He looked around, trying to find anyone else, but to no avail "Did I get astralled? But Obsidian isn't here..."

Y/N then sat down "Ah well, no use in panicking. Might as well wait it out"

<--/// Timeskip ///-->

"Three hundred Rushias, Three hundred and one Watames, Three hundred-"

Y/N stopped counting as he felt the ground change. He opened his eyes to see that he was in a different location.

"Where the hell am I?"

"Wait a minute, I've been here before

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"Wait a minute, I've been here before..."

"Y/N?" He heard a voice around him, he turned around to see everyone. Quanxi and the two fiends, Aki's group, and Kobeni and Violence fiend. 

"Got any ideas where we are?" Y/N asked. 

"No clue" Quanxi said. Y/N saw her and immediately did a combat stance "Temporary truce, something's wrong with the fiends" 

True to what Quanxi said, the fiends were all panicking. Y/N was confused but didn't question it. Beats' voice were getting distorted, and it was hard for everyone to understand what he's trying to say.

"Oh! I remember!" Y/N said, gaining everyone's attention. 

"Do you know where we are?" Aki asked. 

"If I remember correctly, we're currently in hell number 4" Y/N then raised his arms in joy "Yes! I've been trying to get here!" 

"What's wrong with him?" Kukasabe asked. 

"No idea, he's never been this happy before. It's weirding me out" Himeno said. 

"Pingsti, is there a way to escape from here?" Quanxi asked. 

"I-I feel like we're being watched, it's m-making me lose my mind. We-We're being watched by a very d-dangerous devil, f-far stronger by some gun devil"

After she said that, everyone but Y/N and Quanxi became scared, and panicked. Something stronger than the gun devil? They couldn't comprehend it. 

"Ah, it's here. T-The Darkness devil" 

A door opened above, and a black blob dropped down on the grassy ground. It soon formed into a silhouette of a person. 

Darkness enveloped the area around them, making things harder for them to see. Everyone except for Y/N prepared to fight the strongest devil they encountered yet. 

They formed a circle, in order to cover each other's backs. 






With a croak of a frog, the darkness devil dismembered the arms of everyone. 

They all panicked. With their arms gone, their chances of defeating the devil seem to be not within arms reach. 

While everyone else was panicking, Y/N calmly approached the Darkness devil. 

Power stared at Y/N, and tried to yell "Y-... Y/N!" 

"You need to fix your habit of taking arms, Darky" He said. 

The Darkness devil stared at Y/N, each of its heads' mouth forming into a smile. 

"Y/N... It has been a... Long... Time"

"Stop making the heads smile, it's creepy" 


RIP Kobeni car

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