Part 37

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After 3 hours, still, no news. Sunoo was trying extra hard not to sleep whilst Jay had fallen into a deep slumber.

Niki groaned whilst looking at all his friends. Their states terrified him, plus having Jungwon right there in the ER wasn't helping at all.

Niki:"Guys, go home, y'all look horrifying"

Heeseung furrowed his eyebrows.

Heeseung:"You can't shoo us away,we're staying, I'm making sure Jungwon is going to survive this"

Niki leaned back, knowing there was no point in arguing.

Niki:"Guys, just a few more minutes okay"

They all sleepily nodded. Niki yawned.

I need to stay awake for Jungwon

He tried to shake off the sleepiness, but it was getting harder to stay awake.

Niki:"Has anyone got water?"

Jake nodded as he passes it onto Niki.

Jake:"It's not that cold though"

Niki nods as he gulps down the water. It always made him more awake after.
Gladly, it worked as he felt much more refreshed.

Niki:"Guys, drink some water, you will feel much more awake"

They all listened as they tiredly passed the water on.

Sunoo exclaimed.

Sunoo:"Yay! I feel much more serene now"

Sunoo laughed as he looked a Jay.

Sunoo:"So who's gonna wake up this sleepy head?"

Sunghoon cheekily smiled, taking up the offer. He's been Jays childhood friend for God knows how long.

He took the water bottle, which had an reasonable amount of water in it and sprinkled some on Jay, who immediantly flinched at the contact.


Sunghoon burst out into laughter as the other boys did the same.

Sunghoon:"Geez, you're so loud"

Jay rolled his eyes and attempted to fall asleep again, but Sunghoon threatened to pour water on him.

Sunghoon:"Listen, drink some water, you'd feel much more awake"

Jay sighed and listened, feeling more awake, but he still felt tired.

Jay:"It doesn't completely work"

Sunghoon shrugged and threw the bottle all the way to Jake.

Jake:"Damn, you know what passing is?"

Sunghoon ruffled Jake hair.

Sunghoon:"What? Aw did you get hurt?"

Jake rolled his eyes whilst pushing Sunghoon off him.

Jake:"Gosh, you're so sarcastic"

Sunghoon grinned and walked back to his seat.

Niki mentally face palmed himself while watching all the boys being goofy.

I seriously have no idea how we all became friends

He didn't regret it though, he sometimes questioned it, but he would never imagine life without them, since they all did some pretty stupid things together.

As they all started bickering, silence filled the room as soon as the doctor had entered the room.

Niki was the first to stand up.

Niki:"How is he doctor?"

The doctor sighed.

Doc:"We didn't realise how serious his condition had gotten, he unfortunately slipped into coma"

Niki eyes widened.


He didn't want to believe it, how was he going to meet Jungwon smiley face everyday.

"N-no, this can't be happening!"

Heeseung quickly rushed over to hug him.

Heeseung:"Niki, at least he made it, he's trying for you"

Niki sniffled and hugged Heeseung tightly.

Niki:"Thank you hyung"

All the boys got up from their seats and formed a group hug, they knew it was the thing the needed the most.

Sadly, it still felt incomplete, since Jungwon wasn't there to hug them all.

Niki:"Stay strong Jungwon"

Jay smiled whilst ruffling Niki's hair.

Jay:"He will, trust me"

Niki smiled, although it was a sorrowful smile, he knew that crying over Jungwon right now wouldn't be the best, since Jungwon had made it, but not completely.

Doc:"I'll update you guys with his condition regularly, visiting hours are at 13:00 to 19:00.

Niki sighed in relief. It was a pretty long time, meaning he could stay with Jungwon for the whole evening.

Niki:"Sure, I'll make sure to visit him everyday"

The doctor nodded whilst heading back into the room to put Jungwon in a different room, since he is now out of danger, although it didn't necessarily mean he is guaranteed to survive, anything could happen, which Niki feared.

Niki:"Guys, let's all get some rest, we have school tomorrow."

Jay shooked his head.

Jay:"Ain't no way I'm going to school, I'm staying home to catch up on my sleep"

All the boys agreed as Niki laughed.

Niki:"Fine, a sleepover at my house?"

They all cheered as Niki drove them all back to his house.

Don't even question how all 6 of the boys got in the car, that's a mystery.

As they reached to Niki home, they all immediantly set up mattresses and decided on a movie night. Alot of argument happened there and then, but they finally settled with a movie that they all finally agreed to watch.

3 hours later

Niki, who was still awake had taken the remote and turned off the tv. He looked at the 5 sleeping boys and took out his phone whilst grinning.

He captured them all in one frame and took a picture.

"Definitely teasing them with this picture"

He zoomed into all their faces, laughing how each one of them were very different.

He smiled.

You're going to make it Jungwon, we all know that

Fake Till Real -Wonki enhypen fanfictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora