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robin: why did some dude just call me mommy

y/n: 😫😫 he had the courage to do what we couldn't

steve: He was honestly terrifying

will: who's gonna tell him...

max: he's in his lucas era 🫡

dustin: YOOOO??????

mike: Lucas caught down astronomical rn

el: Hey mamas!

- to Robin

eddie: nah i'm done

nancy: el...

robin: welcome to the lgbt community el

el: What is LGBT? Will told me to say that. I am confused.

- El

y/n: will...

will: she's an ally???

robin: just had to explain to steve what a hey mamas lesbian is

steve: I'm scared.

argyle: Is a lesbian a different nationality?

y/n: argyle...we've talked about this

argyle: 🍓🍇🍌🥝🫐

nancy: yeah basically

jonathan: That fruit looks schmackin dude

argyle: That's what I'm saying my dude

steve: Guys honestly, tell me if my haircut looks bad
*attachment: one image*


robin: i mean yeah you look great steve 👍

y/n: steve...who did this...

eddie: yeah sorry harrington, definitely botched

nancy: it's not THAT bad

jonathan: LMAO

dustin: I think a bad haircut will soothe your ego.

mike: Agreed^

steve: Ok 👍

dustin: You can borrow a hat

lucas: I'd rather have the haircut tbh

dustin: 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

eddie: do you guys ever stop fighting

y/n: only when we're not looking

steve: I actually saw them high five yesterday

robin: progress

el: I just googled LGBT. I am not LGBT. Thank you though! 😀

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