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I wake up with Vance's arms around my waist, face's inches apart, I stroke his hair gently making sure not to wake him up, I admire how pretty he is

His blonde curls with a touch of light brown, his blue eyes, his nose, his soft red lips, everything about him

 Ugh snap out of it, you know better than this

I turn over to my side and see its 8:17, shit were gonna be late

I shake Vance to wake him up "Fuck off dickwad" Vance groans and turns the opposite way "WE HAVE SCHOOL SHIT ASS" I yell in his ear "Ok ok stop it now i'll get up" He picks up a pillow and throws it in my direction, he missed "You have shit aim" I throw the pillow at him hitting him right in the face "Bullseye!"

Vance goes too put on his shirt and stumbles a little "Sick room" Vance looks around "You've only just noticed now?"

I grab his hand dragging him downstairs "y/n! You're gonna be late!" I let go of his hand and we exchanged looks

"y/nnnnnnnnnnn" I can hear her voice getting louder and louder

 Mom comes up from the corner with a sandwich in her hand and drops it as she shoots a look at us "Well I didn't expect any visitors today" "And you are?" mom asked "Vance, her boyfriend" I smack him in the head "He wishes" I roll my eyes 

"y/n, a word with you now" she picks up her sandwich and walks into the kitchen "Your in trouble" Vance whispers in my ear, I smack him in the head again and walk into the kitchen

"I'm fine with you having boyfriends and all but just make sure you use protection, I don't want any little y/n's running around" mom says seriously "That won't be happening because I'm not dating him" I say annoyed "The way he was looking at you says otherwise" she tilts her head slightly "Okay thanks for the talk, we gotta go" I say practically running out the kitchen 

I don't even make eye contact with Vance, I just fully ignored him and went out the door as he followed 

"You fucking dick" I punch him in the chest repeatedly "I know you want it" He smirked "No I don't and it's gonna stay like that" we walk away from the house and I make eye contact with Finney, he made a confused look

Vance walks the opposite way from me "Where are you going? School Is this way dumbass" 

"I need to get something, i'll see you in a bit" he starts running, okay then? I run over to Finney and Gwen

"Oh my god i'm so glad your okay, I've never been so happy to see a person" Gwen hugs me "I thought u died y/n" Finney stared at me just as if I came back from the dead 

"Was that Vance Hopper that came out of your house?" Gwen questioned "No, you're hallucinating" I say

"Did you guys fuck?" Finney questioned "Enough with the questions" I say to both of them "So did you?" He questions me again "God no" I say In a disgusted tone "Mhm sure you guys didn't" Gwen smirked "Knock it off, it will never happen" I wouldn't mind it though

"Yesterday he really fucked up Matty" Gwen says "What even happened yesterday" I asked "After you blacked out, good thing Vance happened to be near by, he ran over to you and checked to see if you were okay and spoiler alert you weren't so he takes one look at Matty, Matt and Buzz and they all looked like they were about to shit their pants so they all started running but Vance caught up with Matty and wouldn't stop punching the shit out of him. Probably sent him to a hospital" Gwen explains

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