How exactly does our subconscious mind work ?

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Our subconscious mind
plays a major role when
it comes to manifesting

What is the subconscious mind ?
It's a part of our mind.
According to Freud, there are
3 levels : the Conscious,
the Unconscious & the
Subconscious mind.

What are it's functions ?
I'll name a few :
☆ it stores our :
- beliefs
- memories
- things you have experienced
- skills you have learned

Other facts :
☆ it doesn't know what's true
or false / real or unreal
☆ you can easily
☆ it is super powerful

How our subconscious mind
manifests what we want,
according to me

Disclaimer : I am not
a psychologist nor an
expert who studied in this field.
I'm just sharing how I think
our subconscious works like
when it comes to manifesting.
Since my subconscious stores my
beliefs & I believe in what I say,
my opinion helped me with
manifesting. Quite a lot of
things may not make that much
sense when it comes to manifesting
( due to the things people said to
us, such as that certain things
are impossible ) so it doesn't really
matter if what I say makes sense
or not in this topic if you get what I mean lol. It's absolutely fine if
you disagree with me, but stay respectful please :D

As mentioned before, our subconscious mind saves our beliefs
and thoughts, basically anything.


Your facial skin is breaking out &
since you are aware of that and might
think "Oh no, my skin broke out !".
Your subconscious mind will immediately save this fact
and you continue thinking that your skin looks 'bad'.

[ This is simply an example &
I am not saying that people whose skin has broken out look bad !! ]

Then you remember that manifesting exists & affirm "I have clear skin ! My skin is so healthy, clean and smooth."

Now, your subconscious mind will save that thought immediately. It has no choice but to believe in what you think/say.

Since your skin looks "bad" but you think/believe that your skin looks exactly how you want to ( aka clear ), your subconscious mind will help you see what you believe in this reality.

Your skin gets clearer & eventually,
your reality will match with your
belief, thanks to your subconscious

Note :
Kindly let me know if I made
any grammatical or spelling
mistakes. English isn't my first
language & I'd like to improve
as much as I can ! ♡

[ SOURCES ] ( 03.09.22 )
( 03.09.2022 )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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