Chapter 27

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"Uhmm... Jordan." I spoke quietly, starting to silently freak out about who that could be, it was an 'invite-only' chatroom made by Graser so only the cube guys and people close to the cube were invited.

"Lia..." He spoke back, obviously having no idea who that was either. "Oh god, what the hell are we going to do?!" He yelled rather loudly and I shushed him, making him go silent.

"We can narrow it down right..." I whispered. I heard him hum in agreement and I bit my lip trying to think of things that would narrow the 'mystery person's' identity down.

"Well first, it must be someone we know because its an invite only chatroom." I spoke and he hummed again. "It couldn't have been Bee because she's out with Mitchell, so that gets rid of him too." I spoke.

"Yeah. It couldn't have been Peckett or Isaac either because I know for a fact they would freak the hell out." He spoke and I nodded, trying to think of other ways I could narrow down the search.

"Well, Stacy and Graser are recording Mineclash so neither one of them could be the mystery spy either." I spoke. "Any other people you can narrow out?" I asked quietly.

"Uhm, Poke, Will and Joe. Poke and Will are recording that 'Hypixel Masters' thingy again and Joe has been AFK for like 3 years." Jordan joked and I sniggered a little.

"Oh yeah, Grape's been AFK for a good ten minutes too." I spoke as I clicked on Sean's profile, seeing that he was last seen twelve minutes ago. "That's all I can rule out." I shrugged, not thinking of anyone else who could have been busy.

"Yeah, I can't think of anyone else." He spoke and I could sense that he was running a hand through his messy hair. I licked my top lip and let out a deep breath, slightly worried.

"They uhm, they also now know about Mincecon." I whispered and he stayed silent. I shouldn't have mentioned him breaking my heart. "Let's just leave it. Whoever heard us will probably speak to us soon.." I spoke.

"Yeah uhm... I've got to go." He whispered awkwardly and I rubbed my arm. "I'll see you later. Text me if you find out who it is." I hummed in agreement and I heard him breath out quietly.

'User has left your channel'

I stared at my computer screen and sighed, remembering that I had deleted his number after the Truth or Dare video I did. I shrugged, deciding I would just message him on team speak or skype.

This person now knows that Brayden and I are sort of 'dating', that Jordan likes me, that Jordan and I 'dated' back in July, That Jordan broke my heart and... Well thats already enough to stress me out.

I ran my hand through my hair and stared at it, suddenly having huge nostalgia of when I got my hair dyed with Sean, how he fell asleep, how his eyes lit up when he seen my hair, how he helped me with my suitcases, how we almost kissed twice.

I then thought of the night that Bee and I hung out at Kiani and GBomb's room, getting dared to tell his mum I was pregnant, waking up in the morning wrapped up in Will's arms, then finding out he was already awake and then almost kissed before Bee interrupted us.

Then Brayden, how he was always giving me stupid little smiles from across the room, how we always had our stupid conversations as he spied on people, how I covered his eyes and pretending I was Obama, how we almost kissed too.

Next I thought of Joe, how he came to my door and I didn't realise it was him until Jordan called me, how he calmed me down when I had panic attacks, how he always had stupid puns that always left me dying with laughter.

Jordan. How he was such a flirt, how I taught him how to swim, how he stayed with me when I had a panic attack at Kunders, how we filmed a video and kissed three times during it, getting interrupted by Bee.

Fucking hell, I was such a slut.


Mystery Person.

"Hey bud, you ready to record?" H spoke to me. (A/N oooh, ruled another person out) He continued to ramble on as stared forward, shocked by what I had just heard. "You okay-"

"Yeah! I'm fine.. i'm just a little tired." I spoke nervously, fiddling with my fingers, Liam was Lia's best friend, almost like an over-protective brother, and if I told him what I had just heard, he would flip shit.

Especially over the fact that Jordan had 'broken Lia's heart'

Yep. he would flip shit.

"Okay, cool lets start."




I wrote this on my phone so sorry if its crappier than usual

so, a lot of you guys were guessing Bee and Graser last chapter, NOPE, well m just going to say, don't rule out people who were 'recording' remember, it was a recording room that Lia and Jordan were in.

Also, pay close attention to the Mystey Person's POV, it gives pretty big clues. ;)

okay, coolio, i'll see you guys later :D


PS - at times I may be able to use Lia's laptop to update, or possibly Lia could even update so if the chapters seem a little strange, thats why :)

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