The One With The Q&A

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Emily chuckled in amusement at her brother's antics. The Radkova witch was glad that Jeremy was still that same little boy who she helped raise and grow. The world they lived in was not for the weak, so she was happy to know that Jeremy hasn't let it change or alter him. Jeremy was still that whiny kid who hated be smothered by the love of his family.

"How have you been doing?" Emily gently asked her brother as she looked at the youngest Gilbert with a soft smile.

The Radkova witch felt guilty that she didn't even know how Jeremy has been feeling. Emily felt bad that she hadn't been taking care of her little brother these past few months. Emily would never abandon her brother but she had just been so busy trying to figure out how to be the best witch she could be and not to mention the fact that her boyfriend was currently trapped with the vampire-werewolf hybrid.

The youngest Gilbert lightly shrugged his shoulders. "I've been fine," Jeremy muttered.

"I've been taking good care of little Gilbert," the Lockwood werewolf exclaimed as he jumped into the conversation before he tossed his arm lazily over Jeremy's shoulder while a wide smirk playing on his lips.

Jeremy rolled his brown eyes as he pushed the Lockwood werewolf's arm off of him. "I can take care of myself," the Gilbert teenager mumbled with a slight pout to his lips.

The Radkova witch softly chuckled at her little brother before Emily focused her green eyes onto the Lockwood werewolf. "Well, thank you, Ty," the Gilbert girl murmured with a small smile as she praised her best friend, "it means a lot to me that you're taking care of him."

Tyler reached over and gently grasped ahold of the Gilbert girl's hand before he gave it a slight squeeze. "You know I would do anything for you," the Lockwood werewolf murmured with a soft smile on his face.

Jeremy almost instantly did a fake barfing sound as he watched his sister and her best friend. "Get a room," the Gilbert teenager muttered before he immediately walked away from the duo. Jeremy would rather not have to see Tyler be all in love with his sister.

Emily released a small chuckle as she followed her brother with her green eyes until he disappeared into the Salvatore living room before the Radkova witch turned back around to face the Lockwood werewolf.

Tyler gave the young witch's hand another squeeze before he began rubbing his thumb across Emily's hand in a comforting and familiar motion. "You doing okay?" The Lockwood werewolf asked with concern in his voice as he stared into Emily's soft green eyes.

"I'm the one who usually asks everyone that," the Gilbert girl joked with a playful grin playing on her lips.

"You deserve for someone to worry about you, too," Tyler softly murmured as he grasped the Gilbert girl's other hand and pulled Emily closer to him.

The Radkova witch immediately felt her cheeks heat up from Tyler's words. Emily forced down that nervous feeling that her best friend's words made her feel as she told the Lockwood werewolf, "thank you for worrying for me."

Emily pulled her hands free as she took a few steps away to get some distance between herself and Tyler before she answered the Lockwood werewolf's previous question, "I'm doing a lot better and soon everyone will find out why."

Tyler immediately released a loud groan. "Please tell me!" The Lockwood werewolf begged as he swiftly grasped Emily by her waist and pulled her into his chest.

The Radkova witch giggled when she felt Tyler's fingers tickling her sides before she hurriedly got out of his arms. "You just have to wait a few more minutes," Emily promised as she walked around the Lockwood werewolf to close the front door of the Salvatore boarding house before she stated, "everyone is already here."

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