Chapter 10

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I took a sip of my drink and we went outside. We sat on the benches and Liz took out a cigarette since she smoked. We chatted a bit more. I looked behind Liz to see someone who looked like Charlie. "No it can't be." I said. "Can't be what?" Liz asked. "That guy over there looks like Charlie, but it can't be him." I said. "What?!" Liz asked, turning around. "He's necking that girl off alright!" She said. And then she realised and started talking very loudly. "IT BETTER NOT BE HIM OR I'LL-" "shut up Liz he'll hear you!" I said. "Let's go." I said getting my things. I got up and Liz walked over next to me. I walked close up to the Charlie 'look-a-like' and looked at him, kissing a girl. "Ch-charlie?" I asked. It was him. I could tell. "Charlie, how co-could you?" I asked. With tears falling down my face. He stopped kissing the girl and turned to face be. "What?" "Ally I can explain-" "you can explain? Explain this?! I don't really expect an excuse for this." I said, walking away. "Come on Liz I don't need this." I said, walking towards the car and getting in. "Bye Liz. I'll call you later." I said as she was walking over to her car. I started the engine and made my way out of the car park. Tears ran down my face as I drove down the street. I started loosing my concentration but I tried to focus. Then, I lost my control of my car. It spin around on the wet road and fell into a ditch. I couldn't breath. My car was upside down and I could reach anything or even move. I just sat there, rethinking my whole life with Charlie. Tears ran down my face. I was there for about 2 hours. Until someone finally came to help me. I could hear the blurred sound of an ambulance. I couldn't hear anything properly. Everything happened so slowly. They took me onto a stretcher and placed stuff around my face. They took me into the ambulance and drove off. "Wh-where's Leo?" I asked while shaking. I tried to get up a bit and look around but the nurse held my head down lightly. "You can't be moving your head around love, you might have serious injuries. I closed my eyes and sighed in fear.

A Charlie Lenehan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now