♡ 35 | Stubborn tease

Start from the beginning

You slip off your sandals before sitting on the picnic blanket. Reaching torward the bouquet you inhale the scent before grabbing ahold the letter. Okkotsu settles beside you with a smile. He reaches for his phone to snap a few photos of you. You look over to point at the letter. 

"Did you write me a love letter Yuta? I'm touched." You giggle while opening it up. Okkotsu shyly ruffles the back of his hair. He's too nervous to say much as he reaches over to crack open the sparkling juice. Okkotsu silently pours the liquid into cute slender glasses. 

Clearing his throat, Okkotsu speaks up while you read over the letter. Each word written down is of fond memories Okkotsu had with you. From the moment you two met at a younger age up to where the two of you are now. "Toge...he told me about the letter you wrote on Valentine's Day." You stiffen when you listen to Okkotsu.

Lowering the letter down to your lap, you look over at Okkotsu. He purses his lips and extends a glass of sparkling juice to you. You carefully accept it by holding onto the stem of the glass. "I never got to properly accept that letter from you. So I wanted to write you one." There's a bit of sadness behind his eyes. But you're sure he's only sadden by the thought of what you went through back then. 

Clearing his throat, Okkotsu continues to speak. "Toge also mentioned you made cookies and that they were delicious. I'm a bit jealous I never got to eat them. Can...we make them together sometime?" The boy adorably scrunches his nose while scratching the side of his head. Seemingly feeling shy for asking. 

You giggle and nod your head. Carefully you set your drink down, as well as, the letter to wrap your arms around Okkotsu's neck. You gently kiss the side of his head while whispering. "I'll write you as many love letters as you want Yuta. We can also make as many sweets to your hearts content." 

Okkotsu chuckles as he strokes your back with one hand. You pull away to stare at his sweet smile. Turning your eyes back to the picnic, you take in everything. "Did you do this yourself or did a few cupids help?" You wear a playful look when you return your attention to Okkotsu. 

He takes a sip of his sparkling juice before setting it down. Okkotsu reaches for a strawberry to which he presses against your lips. You open your mouth to take a bite. "I have a few kind cupids that helped me set this up while you got dressed." Okkotsu smiles as he softly speaks.

You giggle and easily imagine the others setting this up. Maki and Fushiguro definitely supervised the others who may have had more fun playing around instead of setting things up. You reach for an adorably wrapped onigiri. That's when you notice a tiny sticky note attached at the bottom. Okkotsu raises a brow when he notices it too. 

Peeling it off from the bottom, you scan over the note. There's a tiny drawn chibi of Inumaki flashing a thumbs up. "I'm so proud of you both. P.S. I'm glad you're so stubborn Y/N. From your best friend, Toge. The guy who totally didn't tell you to give up." You snicker under your breath when you finish reading the note. 

"What's so funny?" Okkotsu curiously tries to lean forward to read the note. You hand the note over to Okkotsu to read while you take a bite of the onigiri. Inumaki's favorite onigiri filling is inside. Tuna mayo. 

Okkotsu chuckles when he reads over the note. He carefully sets it down before returning his attention over to you. "I'm also glad you're so stubborn Y/N. Otherwise..." Okkotsu's words trail off and you find himself leaning towards you. Your heart races as you anticipate his next move. Is he going to kiss you again? But your mouth is full of onigiri. 

Okkotsu gently taps his pointer finger against the tip of your nose. "I wouldn't be able to call you my girl." A low chuckle erupts from Okkotsu's face when he watches you squeak out in response. Your eyes grow wide as a blush streaks across your face. Okkotsu leans back and begins to unravel his own onigiri to eat. 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now