Burial Pods

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(Y/n) had finished working on the tooth by the time they had reached the base of the mountain. The tooth was still thick enough that it could take a beating before being destroyed but there was now also enough space hollowed out so that he could fit the components needed for it to work as a lightsaber.

Teneka looked up towards the top of the mountain. "If this is the right mountain then the clan should be at the top"

"Great" (y/n) spoke sarcastically as he finished scratching the dry blood off of the tooth. It had been enough time that if Barriss had heard his call she would have come for him. (Y/n) had come to the conclusion that something on this planet was blocking his connection to her... or maybe master Yoda had just told her not to interfere. He had wanted the boy to face his past.

The rancor, whom Teneka had jokingly named Cuddles, started up the mountain. Teneka turned to the boy who sat behind her. "What else do you need for your weapon?"

(Y/n) shook his head. "I only have the casing" he held up the tooth. "Everything from my old saber was smashed beyond repair. All that survived was the crystal and even that would overheat due to the cracks" (y/n) sighed. "Unless you have some lightsabers handy I'll have to wait until I get home"

Teneka scratched the back of her head. "Um..."

"No. You don't? Do you?" (Y/n) gave her a wide eyed look.

"Not me" Teneka quickly shook her head. "But the nightsisters used to use Lightwhips. That's a kind of lightsaber isn't it?"

(Y/n) felt like an idiot until he remembered his concussion. Of course he should have remembered that. "Yeah. They are. You don't have one do you?"

"No I don't" Teneka replied as she pulled out her electro-whip. "We haven't used them in generations. Now we use these"

"Why don't you use the lightwhips anymore?" (Y/n) asked with a confused look. "Seems like you guys would prefer the more lethal option"

"Ran out of crystals" Teneka replied with a shrug. "Every once in a while they'll kill a jedi and then the one who did the deed will make a whip but other than that we have no more Kyber"

"What happened to all the old whips? You could just reuse the kyber couldn't you?" Teneka shook her head in response.

"We bury warriors with their weapons. It comes in handy if we ever need to summon the army of the dead" (y/n) nodded in understanding. An army of zombies could still be beaten by an army with weapons.

"Can we get to one of the burial pods?" (Y/n) asked hopefully.

"We're to far from Nightsister territory. The only burial pods around here are probably up there" Teneka pointed up the mountain.

"And only nightsisters used the whips" Teneka nodded her confirmation.

"So there was no point in bringing all this up?" Teneka just shrugged.

"I mean... we have magick. I've done a teleportation spell successfully, have you?" (Y/n)'s head perked up at that.

"I've never even heard of them" (y/n) replied with a shrug. "How do we go about trying one?"

Teneka smirked. "I can try teleporting you"

"And why are you smirking?" (Y/n) asked with a concerned look.

"Because if I do this wrong then I won't have to deal with you anymore" the girl laughed before taking the boys hand. A green mist began to swirl from her finger and around the boy as her eyes turned green.

"Hey! No!" By the time the boy got the second word out he was standing in a much darker area. "Oh kark" he muttered before looking around.

The pods. Quickly. Don't know how long I can keep you there. (Y/n) didn't bother to ask questions. He ran to the nearest pod and stabbed it with the sharp rancor tooth.

He pulled it open and looked inside. "Only a body and a bow" he ran to the next pod and tried again, and he did it again, and again, and again. Hurry. The boy looked around before spotting one pod that was higher up off the ground than all the others.

The boy took in a deep breath and focused the little power he was able to summon into his legs. He jumped up high and wrapped his arms around the pod. It fell to the ground and split open. (Y/n) landed on his back and groaned.

When (y/n) got up a moment later he was almost impaled by an energy arrow. He quickly turned around to see a nightsister with her bow aimed at him.

(Y/n) quickly fell to the ground as another arrow flew over his head

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(Y/n) quickly fell to the ground as another arrow flew over his head. He turned to the opened burial pod and spotted what he had come for. (Y/n) stood up the second the sister shot another arrow and quickly ran to the pod. He picked up the lightwhip and ran in zigzags so the arrows wouldn't hit. "I've got it"

(Y/n) was quickly engulfed in green mist and when it dissipated he was back on the back of Cuddles the rancor. "It worked!" Teneka yelled loudly as she pulled (y/n) into a quick hug. The boy groaned as she reagrivated his headache. "Show me the whip!"

(Y/n) pulled away from the girl. "Be quiet and you've got a deal" Teneka nodded quickly. (Y/n) held the whip handle up. He didn't activate it out of fear of accidentally hurting someone.

"It's beautiful" Teneka smiled as she looked over the handle.

"Yep" (y/n) nodded before beginning to unscrew the top. "But I think I prefer the gift you gave me" (y/n) held up the rancor tooth before putting  it back on his belt. Teneka smiled, it was surprising to her how much she had come to like the boy, and she was glad that whether he'd admit it or not he liked her too.

Word count: 1020

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