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(Y/n) groaned as he regained consciousness. He quickly looked around the cabin and noticed Teneka sitting unconscious, still buckled into her seat. (Y/n) however was laying on the ground, covered in his own blood. He could feel the blood flowing from the open wound in his head.

(Y/n) slowly stood up and tried wiping the blood away, however that only smeared the blood. (Y/n) looked around the cabin for any signs of his lightsaber but was quickly dismayed when he saw the device in pieces, beyond repair.

(Y/n) slowly pulled the lightsabers now cracked kyber crystal to himself with the force before sliding it into his robes. The boy then walked over to Teneka and shook her gently. "Wake up" he used what little force power he could muster at the moment and the girls eyes shot open.

Teneka coughed violently as she quickly unbuckled herself from the seat. She glanced up at the boy and quickly stood to get a better look at his wounds. "I'm gonna go ahead and guess you probably have a concussion"

"That would explain the nausea" (y/n) replied quietly as he held his stomach. Teneka placed her hand on the boys wound causing him to wince in pain. Her eyes glowed green and she started chanting. A moment later (y/n)'s wound had closed. "Thanks" (y/n) nodded as the pain died down a bit but not enough.

"That storm was probably the Nightsisters" Teneka spoke as she looked around the cabin, as if afraid the sisters would show up here. "Mother Talzin probably sensed my return" Teneka noticed the boys destroyed weapon and grimaced.

"I knew something like this was going to happen" (y/n) huffed as he turned to the giant hole where the door to the cockpit used to be. "Let's get out of here"

Teneka followed the boy outside and smiled as she looked over the red ground and plants. "It's good to be home" she whispered as she ran a hand against one of the larger plants.

(Y/n) on the other hand wasn't so happy. He closed his eyes and spoke. "Barriss" he didn't have enough power right now to hear her if she replied but he hoped she would hear him. "Help" he would have said more but he felt Teneka walking up to him. "Welcome home" he crossed his arms as he turned around. "Where are we?"

"No clue" Teneka sighed as she looked around. "It's a big planet. I've never seen this area"

"Great" (y/n) sighed before looking around. "Give me your whip. I'm the better fighter" he held his hand out for the girls weapon as she just gripped the weapon tighter.

"If we end up finding a tribe or they end finding us then I have to have the weapon" (y/n) just sighed before retracting his hand. "Here's our story. I left my tribe because I realized how bad they really are. you're my mate" (y/n) crossed his arms and gave her an unhappy look. "That way nobody tries to capture or enslave you" (y/n) just sighed before giving in and nodding in agreement. "Good. Let's go" she pointed towards a mountain in the far distance. "I think that may be the Singing Mountain"

(Y/n) sighed. "Alright then" the two began walking. Teneka walked ahead of the boy so they didn't look out of place in case anyone was watching.

Every once in a while the two would hear the roars of distant rancors or birds. "I don't see how you're so relaxed" (y/n) spoke as he watched Teneka skip along ahead of him.

"This is home" was all the girl replied as she glanced back at the nervous boy. "How you feel now is how I felt on coruscant" the boy took a moment to process that but he was quickly pulled out of his thoughts as a headache began to form, no doubt a side effect of the possible concussion.

(Y/n) stumbled a bit causing Teneka to quickly turn and help him stand. She slid an arm around his waste and held him up. "Maybe you're to weak to be my mate"

"I can kick your ass, even if I am concussed" (y/n) replied with a quick glare. He pushed the girl away and continued walking. It was only a couple steps before he collapsed. "Don't help me" the boy muttered. Teneka just rolled her eyes before once again holding him up.

"Why are you so against letting me help you?" Teneka asked as she began walking slowly so the boy would be able to slowly walk along with her.

"You're a Dathomiri Witch" (y/n) replied as he looked away.

"The Jawa calls the Ewok short" Teneka muttered causing the boy to huff in response. "You use our magicks, you're from the same planet. The only difference is you're not a woman"

(Y/n) was quick to defend himself. "I also don't enslave everyone who has different genitalia" he looked away and into the forest to their left. He could hear the stomping of nearby rancors and it was making him nervous.

"Okay. That's not a bad point" Teneka spoke quietly before continuing to walk in silence.

(Y/n) continued to stare at the tree line as they walked. "One of the rancors is coming closer" he whispered after another minute. Teneka quickly let go of the boy and stepped in front of him. She held her extinguished whip handle in her hand and prepared to defend them.

A minute later it happened. The Rancor burst through the tree line and roared loudly as it spotted its prey. Teneka yelled back at the rancor before turning her whip on. The electric blade burst to life and she quickly ran at the beast.

"Don't kill it!" (Y/n) yelled before groaning in pain as the loud noise hurt his headache.

"I would never!" Teneka yelled back, insulted at the very idea. She jumped over the rancors hand as it tried to hit her. She quickly whipped the hand causing the creature to roar in pain. It snapped it's mouth at Teneka a moment later only for her to whip at it's mouth. The rancor snarled as the whip wrapped around its tooth.

"Kark" (y/n) muttered with wide eyes as he watched Teneka tug her whip and rip the rancors tooth from its mouth. He was thankful now that he wasn't in good enough condition to feel the rancors pain. Teneka grabbed the tooth and attached it to her belt.

The rancor roared in pain as Teneka quickly ran around it and jumped onto its back. She climbed on top of the creature and placed her hand against its skin as he eyes turned green. She screamed and suddenly the rancor stopped moving. "She's tame" Teneka spoke quietly as she pet the rancor.

"Beast control" (y/n) nodded as he looked the creature over. Teneka slowly got off the rancor before taking the bloody tooth off her belt and holding it out to (y/n). "Here?"

(Y/n) gave her a confused look. "Uh... what would I need a bloody tooth for?"

Teneka rolled her eyes. "That concussion must really be messing with you" she took the boys hand and put the tooth in it. "Make something" she held her whip up as it turned off. "I did"

"Oh" (y/n) nodded in understanding as he looked down at the tooth. (Y/n) pulled his saber crystal from in his robes and looked it over. "It's to cracked. I can't use this"

Teneka nodded. "You'll figure it out" she pat the boys shoulder. "Let's go" she motioned to the rancor that was waiting for them.

Word count: 1302

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