"I dont know id have to ask my mom"

my mom starts yelling from the kitchen

" go ahead and take her, dont give her an option Jer"

he looks at me

"You heard the boss women"

i scrunch my nose

"There all at Wyatts house prepping for a pool party, cmon Bec"

i roll my eyes

"Ugh fine"


We roll up to wyatts house.

"I havent been here in years"

next thing i know i see Ava with blonde hair flying out the front door

"Holy Crap!"

she yells as she flings herself as soon as i get out of the car


i say pushing her back so i can see how different she looks.

"You look amazing Ava!"

i say pulling her in for another hug. She also pushes me back to look at me

"Holy crap your like, super hot now"

we hug again and start swaying back and forth. God i missed this. California was hell and this is all i wanted.

"Cmon ladies lets go in, we have so boy brains to smash"

jermy says locking his car.

"I told them pizza was here and that id get it, im such a great actress"

Ava says while starting to walk to the house.

"Hey Jermys here"

i here a low voice say.

"Ava where the hell is the piz- OH MY GOD"

i walk into the house and i see three guys that dont look anything like my three best friends. Wyatts hair is back to dirtys blonde and he cut his hair shorter. Ian is a lot more fit and he grew out his hair from his usual and its to his ears in a side part. And Sebastion, holy crap is Sebastion hot now? He no longer had thick rimmed glasses and his hair is still fluffy and red but is more tammed and not danrify. In the three second im in the door im picked up damsel in distress style by wyatt who oh my god is ripped now and tall, way talled then i remember.

"You shrunk girl"

Wyatt says after picking me up.

"Or your just so abnormally tall that you cant understand normal height"

I slap wyatts arm and he puts me down. But i give him a big hug once i was met with the floor.

"No i think you shrunk in Orange County Bec"

Ian says also giving me a huge hug, he smells really weird though.

"I dont think thats a thing in OC guys"

i say letting Ian go. Sebastian was still on the couch they where all on, he has a ballon in his hand and his mouth wide open in awe.

"You look so, uhh"

he says

"Shes hot now is what she is"

Wyatt says puting his arm around my shoulder

"I see your boldness never changed Wyatt"

I roll my eyes

"Never, now all the chicks dig it because im like not a blue haired nerd"

See you next summerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora