"He's dead," Cat looked away. "I wish it'd been me."

She made her way back and grabbed another waffle without asking, she took a bite before explaining. The young man waited patiently.

"Pietro looked after me like a brother would, and he did a pretty fucking outstanding job..." she took another bite, this one harder to swallow. "He had a real sister, though... she was my friend too, then the accords— you read about the accords?"

"Was she on Iron man's side?"

"I was. I didn't see her again until after the blip. The last time I was fifteen— and then I was twenty-one and she was eighteen. Her twin brother died and it was my fault... I feel like I stole Pietro's chance." Cat stared at the ceiling, she couldn't stop talking. "I was dating Peter before the blip, I had to break up with him—"

"It would've been weird otherwise," Parker nodded in understanding. 

"Exactly!" She fell back on the couch with relief. "I knew you'd get it. Anyway, we broke up and stopped talking for a year, and then I worked as an agent..."

Parker took a bite from his waffles every now and then, nodding and letting out quiet exclamations of contempt. They had time to spare, so maybe talking to one Peter Parker —more mature than the one in her universe— would somehow make her feel better. In the end, he was going to leave and never come back.

"Dude, what the hell?" He frowned and swallowed the last bit of waffle. "I thought your life would be easier because you don't have to look after the whole place, but it still got fucked!" He blushed. "I mean, I'm sorry it happened—"

The young woman smiled at him. "You're nice— and cute. Did I say that already?"

"Ahahah— hehe," he cringed at his weird laugh. "Yeah. I'm starting to think you're not joking."

"Pretty standard when it comes to me," she eased him. "Though is a known fact that Peter Parker is cute. He's a nerd, and really awkward, but he makes up for it by being attractive and charming."

Parker looked at her with a flustered smile, tight-lipped and pink-faced. "I would appreciate it if you stopped..?"

"Not used to getting compliments?" Cat grinned knowingly.

Parker wrinkled his nose. "Oh, I get compliments all the time. I'm the spider-menace, the freak in spandex, the—"

"Webhead," she grinned. "One would think your aunt and girlfriend had sweeter ways to call you..."

The young man looked away. "I'm not talking to May right now. She got mad at me when I quit school and... I don't date."

Out of all the things he could've told her, this was the one she couldn't believe. "Are you serious?"

"I am," he said, again with that awkward tight-lipped expression.

"No. There's no way."


"Parker, there is no way in hell no one wants you."

"I don't feel like dating."

"Ah... that I can understand," she nodded with an absent gaze. "I feel you."



"Okay, that I can't believe." He left his plate on the coffee table. "Aaaand I don't mean to pry, but I heard you talking over the phone with Matt, and it sounded like you were planning a date."

"He's— I  mean, yeah, we hung out the other night but— he's not— we can't—"

"That explains the marks on your neck," Parker teased her. "It looks like he is and you can."

Copycat: Agent Zero (Marvel Fem!OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt