Mysterious Invitation.

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A/N : Mercy, I'm new at this D:

OKAY. so I read through this story a couple of times, after I posted it and I was a bit unhappy, because I could've improved it, so I added a few things and re wrote it. Reading all these stories, have been really inspirational. So I wanna try and experiment with this.

I'd appreciate some feedback, critique, comment, hugs, cookies :D

This is actually based off of Soul Eater. But It'll be a bit different I assure you. I only own my character and fascinating ideas.

DISCLAIMER: All right go to the creators or Soul Eater. I will not be posting this story on any sites but Wattpad.

In this story, I imagine death city more over modern. I took this part from the actual first episode, but I'll make it more interesting in the next!

I'd also like to thank my friend Jessica on giving me ideas :)

Anywho, enjoy.




       I ran and gasped for breath as I stood, Gazing at the towering buildings. "So this is death city". I walked through the giant gates onto the trailing paths throughout the city, I kept turning my head in wonder mixed with curiousity. [Hah, curiousity killed the cat,] I thought

While looking at the buildings which reminded me it was like a Halloween Town. It was gloomy and beautiful at the same time, while mysterious. Everything seemed so quiet and calm, which started to get to my nerves.

     Night had befalling, and the Moon looked down at me, [the moon looks like a creeper or something], I quickly shook my thoughts away. Looking at the paper on my hand looking for a certain building with the adress on it. I felt something or someone watching me. "Oh stop being paranoid Naira" muttering to myself.  I quickened my pace, as I looked back and saw something red but then It vanished. Oh great I'm going crazy. Continuing on down the curving cobbled path for awhile, till i got into the heart of Death City. 

Street lights blared illuminously.

     I started to feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach, As I groaned in frustration, quickening my pace, "Leave it to me to get myself lost" I said to myself, rounding on a corner only to find myself, at a dead end of an alley "Rats" I muttered under my breath, starting to get even more nervous. As my palms sweated. and my brain attacked me with paranoid thoughts with, what if's?

Thinking about all the horror movies, like Saw, or Dead End, can pretty much get you super paranoid, just saying.

    I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. As suddenly I could feel a presence behind me,I heard a hissing sound. I turned quickly behind me and sqeaked in surprise, eyes widening to find a horrendously, deformed figure with large piercing claws, with a face like Jason X except with a big fat nose, like Pinocchio.

[Oh i can be so funny at the wrong moments].. I thought bitterly, while being sarcastic.

     I heard Jason X whisper "More...Power...!" I frantically searched with my eyes for a way out, but quickly failed, as I watched my life pass by me in less then a mere second. I could feel ushered tears form at my eyes but I forced them shut and closed my eyes, waiting for the searing pain which never came. I opened my them reluctantly to see Jason X turned. Facing two mysterious figures in the shadows.

I took this moment to back away slowly from Jason X. As I strained my ears to hear one of the figures say "Soul eater, It's him"

A deeper voice resounded, "Yeah, Maka, no question. His soul is now an Afreet egg."

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