"Than we come up with a prank to pull on Slytherin" Katie added excitedly "course it's the twins that come up with it"

"Last season it was letting the mice from transfiguration out in their lockers before the game" George pridefully said "chewed up all their uniforms"

"Had to wear their old uniforms from years ago" Fred laughed "capris and crops tops, surely was a sight to see"

"Flint got dress coded too" Astrid added "said he was showing to much leg and midriff"

"Very hairy" Katie made a disgusted face "he walked by me and I swear his leg hair tickled my legs"

"Gross" Astrid scrunched her nose

"The funny part is they never know it's us" Harry laughed "stupid gits"

"What're we doing this time?" Ron asked, excited now that he had something more up his alley to indulge in when it came to Quidditch

"Good question" Angelina sat up straight, looking to the twins "boys, think of anything yet?"

"Oh we sure did" Fred looked to George "we've got a tall collection of fire ants we've been meaning to use. If we sneak into their dorms now, we can let them loose on their beds, a night of getting bit"

"Hmm" Astrid nodded her head

"why have you got fire ants?" Harry asked

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to young one" George crossed his arms over his chest

"I asked them to come to Hermione's house with me and they decided to dig in her backyard like dogs burying a bone, don't think Henry will want us back anytime soon" Ron frowned

"What else have you got?" Astrid asked "something that can embarrass them infront of the entire school without getting us in trouble for cheating"

"Itching powder, Canary Creams, Nosebleed Nougat and Ton Tounge Toffees" Fred named, scratching his chin as he watched Astrid think

"How long does the itching powder itch for?" Astrid asked

"Depends on how much you use" Fred shrugged "one whole spoon is an hour"

"Fifteen minutes" Astrid pouted her lips "or ten, will that work?"

George nodded his head "what're you thinking?"

"Put itching powder inside their uniforms and let them prance around in the air when they're doing their entrance with Lee?" Katie guessed

Astrid nodded her head "not all of them, I say we pick one member, the most crucial one, who the game depends on, who's embarrassment will be the most foul and affect the team the most"

"Malfoy" Harry grinned "the seeker"

"Now this is going to be fun!" Ron looked to Harry with an amused smile

"What's the plan?" Angelina asked "they haven't put their uniforms in their lockers since the rats"

"Leave that to George and I" Astrid smiled "I'll get Theo, Blaise and Malfoy on their own and distract them, giving George the chance to sneak the powder in"

"Good plan team" Angelina hopped off the table "now we make sundaes"

Everyone laughed and talked as they scooped ice cream into their large bowls, throwing sprinkles into each others hairs and Fred smacking Harry and Ron in the face with his banana peel.

"Do that one more time and I swear you'll die in this very school" Ron threatened

"Awe" Fred mocked "is ittle wittle ronny mad?"

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