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━━ Indigo Rose,June Thirteenth

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━━ Indigo Rose,
June Thirteenth. ━━

I watched as the city passed outside of the window. I sat in the back of a police car. The Officer was going on about how his daughter loved my series. He said that they all would read it before bedtime.

I said thank you, obviously.

Ashton held my hand tightly. When we arrived at the Police station, I felt the butterflies in my stomach erupt. Me and my stomach didn't want to be here. I was just about to tell Ashton that I wanted to go home before another Officer opened the door.

"Hi." She smiles, "Follow me please."

We followed her into the backdoors of the station. I was welcomed by two police officers and a metal detector. I gulped and took everything off that could possibly be a threat. I walked through and luckily, it didn't go off.

I inhaled a long breath and put my jewelry back in, watching Ashton take everything off him. He went through the metal detector, but—

but it went off.

"May I search you, sir?" The Officer asked.

"Yes of course. It only beeps because I have a metal plate in my finger. I got surgery a year ago because I broke it. They put it to balance my finger." He says.

The Officer laughed, "I understand. If you'll just come this way." They led him into a room to search him, and a couple seconds left Ashton came back.

"Okay, Dr. Irwin, you will wait out here until Indigo is done. We've also made you her caregiver until this process is over since that's what Indigo wants. Once Indigo is done, we will proceed with more paperwork, Etc." The Officer spoke, opening the door for me.

Nerves erupt in my stomach again. They led me into the room, and before I entered— I looked back at Ashton who gave me a reassuring smile. I gulped and they closed the door.

"Go ahead and take a seat." She smiled, pulling out a chair for me. She set down a water bottle in front of me, and exhaled. "I'm going to ask you some questions. If that's alright with you."

"It's fine." I waved her off.

"Let's begin." She hummed, "Is your name Indigo Rose Blanchard?" She asked, putting her hands together.

"Yes." I confirm.

"Good good, okay." She cleared her throat. "I want the full story about your parents. I want everything you think will be helpful."

Oh boy.

"I've been the spit image of the book character, Indigo, since I was born." I begin, "My parents dyed my hair blonde since I was a one year old, made sure my nose shape looked exactly like they'd pictured. They did everything they could to make me the Indigo to a T. They made me do everything perfectly. Perfect family, perfect grades, perfect boyfriend." She nodded, writing down multiple things.

"Growing up, they would hit me whenever I did something wrong. I have photos of the scattered bruises around my body that they caused. And when I had to get braces, they hit me for it. When I had a different grade than the one in the book, I would get hit. So, I learned to become Indigo. I spent hours reading the books and studying her mannerisms. I became Indigo. Soon enough, they stopped hitting me because I rarely did wrong. But when I got diagnosed with Cancer, everything took a turn. They yelled at me and blamed me for causing my cancer, they blamed me for everything. Soon enough, I was over it. I couldn't do it anymore."

Her eyes softened.

"I attempted Suicide. I tried to overdose on pills, but I woke up in the hospital the next morning. It seemed like after I tried to commit, they treated me even worse. But the police did nothing about it, no one did, and I was sent home again. For several weeks after I was starved, beaten and on the last night; strangled. My dad strangled me. I begged him to let go of me and I would run as far as I could. He said if I wasn't gone by the next five minutes, and if he found me— he would kill me. And he could. Ashton has pictures of hand marks, cuts, and bruises all over my body. I ran to the hospital that night, and showed up soaking wet in front of a doctor. Luke got me towels, a dry change of clothes, and we got out of there. I was hungry, so we got food and then we got to Luke's house. Ashton hugged me as I cried the entire fucking night."

I gulped. "I've been publicly exploited my whole entire life. I've been exposed to the unhealthiness of social media. My parents are and always will be abusers."

She set down her pen and took a big and long deep breath. "Wow. First off, I'm so sorry; um, for your diagnosis. Truly. I am so sorry, Indigo."

"It's okay." I mumbled. "I know I didn't deserve it."

"Tell you what." The officer stood up, "I am going to do everything in my power to make sure you end up with that doctor out there."


The officer is so sweet :( i feel so bad for miss indigo she has also gone through way to much

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