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Dracos POV

Pansy has finally calmed down, although Hermione did have to sacrifice a chocolate bar and I had to give her back her conditioner.

I take a deep breath and look in the mirror. I look good? I look fancy and casual at the same time which is kind of my jam. My hair is lightly spiked but not too much, I don't want to look a muggle rockstar.

Hermione and Pansy quietly play a board game on Harry's bed while I adjust my rings and turn to admire my outfit from different angles.

"Draco darling those slacks are doing marvels for your ass. Pete will be all over you." Pansy says moving her bishop and taking out Hermiones pawn.

"It's Paul, and thanks Pansy, perhaps I should compliment the lovely lady who snuck them into my closet last February when she thought I wasn't looking." I shook a pointed look at her and she looks glares back.

The doorbell bell rings and I check my watch 6:30 "shit he's early." I mutter under my breath I quickly unbutton the top two buttons of my shirt and my bag.

"merci cheri" I kiss her and hermione on the cheek and rush downstairs. Fixing my hair again in the hall mirror and Throwing open the door. "Hey pa- Potter? I thought you were Paul." I sigh letting him in and closing the door to stop the draft.

"I- You- w- Malfoy you look nice." He laughs. "Anyway don't sound so disappointed I brought you a peppermint hot chocolate." He thrusts the hot chocolate in my hands and toes off his shoes.

He takes off Teddys hat and reveals a head full of curly bright Yellow hair. "Thanks Potter." I mumble nodding at him and calling upstairs to the girls.

They clobber down the stairs laughing and shoving each other benevolently. "Oh hi Harry, I thought it was Paul at the door." Hermione said pulling Harry into a side hug and kissing Teddys forehead.

The doorbell rings again and I rush to get it fixing my hair on the way there. "Hey Paul." I smile widely and invite him in.

"You look really nice." I say awkwardly. He does. He's wearing a blue button down that matches his eyes tucked into crisp beige trousers and he's got a lovely breathtaking smile that makes me weak in the knees.

I bring him into the kitchen and introduce him to everyone. "This is my best friend Pansy who was at lunch with me and this is my roommate Harry and his friend Hermione and this is my cousin Teddy." Whew Merlin knows how I said all that in one breath.

He shakes hands with everyone and smiles at Teddy. "We better get going." I say uncomfortable at the sudden silence. "Call me if you need a lift." Harry says. "I know, I left some pizza in the freezer, don't forgot to warm Teddys bottle." I call over my shoulder.

We get to the hallway and the sounds of people gradually fade away. We pull on our shoes and coats and step out the door.

"Sorry there were so many people there." An awkward laugh escapes me. "It's not normally that crowded."

"It's all right." He grins and looks at me. "I like meeting new people. You're cousin is really cute, is Harry his father?" He asks earnestly.

I can't help the snort that escapes me at that. "Goodness no." I struggle to find a muggle way of explaining it.

"Teddys parents died in the war when he was an infant, Harry is his godfather and since I was his last living relative we had an argument over where he would live and Hermione just made us move in together and both take care of him. Probably a pretty bad decision on her part considering we have some... history."

"The War?" He whispers. "Wait are you...?" It never occurred to me he would be magic as well. If that was even what he was asking. "Oh my god he's Harry Potter?" He says his eyes comically wide.

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