“Blake you might want to apologize to this young lady, that was rude.”

“Kai just let it go, its nothing.”

“I said apologize.” my savior growled.

“Fine.” The guy named Blake replied looking nervous. He turned to me and gave me a fake smile.

“Sorry Miss I didn’t mean to run into you.” he said and stormed off with his friends. My savior who Blake had called Kai stayed behind and turned to look at me. I felt myself gasp when I saw his eyes. I couldn’t even tell what he was, his eyes are nothing I had seen before, they were silver and almost seemed like pools of mercury with little specs of violet. I had known instantly that Blake and his friends were wolves but Kai was a different story, his eyes weren’t like any wolf I had met and from what I knew of other supernatural’s their eyes were usually black, gold or red. I took a step back feeling his power resonate from him, and other human probably would have taken off running but I had a feeling if I ran he would chase me.

“T-thanks for your help.” I stuttered and went to turn when he gently grabbed my wrist to stop me.

“Your different.” he said just loud enough for me to hear.

“Listen I should be getting home before my parents wonder where I am.” I said nervously.

“Let’s get coffee.” he suggested lightly pulling me towards Starbucks.

“I shouldn’t, I should go…” I said looking for a way to get away.

“Please…” he said almost pleadingly and once I heard them I willingly let him lead me into Starbucks. He led me to a table and took the bags from my hands as I sat and he placed them on the floor and excused himself so he could go get us coffee. I hadn’t told him what I wanted but when he returned and handed me my coffee I took a sip and smiled, it was just as I liked it.

“Lucky guess?” I asked.

“Yeah, I had a feeling.” he said and smiled charmingly but for some reason I didn’t believe it was just a guess. He sat across from me and was silent for a moment as if he was thinking about what he should say next.

“You know about the supernatural, how is that possible?” he asked and I was caught off guard, I didn’t know how to answer him what if this was a trap. I just laughed at him like he was crazy and then I began looking around to plan an exit strategy. I didn’t think Kai would hurt me but I could feel how powerful he was, it felt like a light pressure around my body and I knew that power like this was dangerous.

“Tell me your name.” it wasn’t a question but a command.


“Well Alivia I would like to know how you know about the supernatural.”

“I’m adopted by wolves, but I’m human ok just leave me alone.”

“Alivia I’m not stupid I know your more then human.” he replied and this time my jaw dropped, was he insane, had he lost his mind.

“Ask my family, ask anyone who knows me, I’m human and am no threat to you or anyone for that matter. Can I go now?” I said feeling my temper start to rise.

“Hmmm, maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think I am.”

“Can I go now?” I said trying to control my temper.

“Do I make you that uncomfortable?”

“No, I just don’t know who you are or what you are and I don’t care at the moment, my body is sore from being knocked to the floor and humiliated that you made a wolf apologize to me. When my family finds out I am going to be grounded for starting trouble and trouble is the last thing I need!”

“Would you like to know who i am, what I am?”

“I just want to go home.” I whined hating how pathetic I sounded but it was true; I just wanted to leave because I knew trouble was going to be waiting for me there.

“Fine, but I’m sure we’ll meet again.” he said and took my hand and placed a light kiss on it and gestured towards the door. I gathered my bags quickly and rushed towards the door, I tried not to look back but I couldn’t help myself and when I did I saw Kai smiling at me as if he knew something I didn’t.

    When I got home sure enough my dad was standing there pacing in the living room.

“Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“I didn’t do anything.” I replied trying to then walk past him but he blocked me.

“You go to the mall and not only run into the Alpha’s son but then somehow get Prince Kai involved and have him humiliate the Alpha’s son in front of a lot of pack members. Are you insane Alivia!!!” he roared and I felt my bottom lip quiver and then tears start to fall.

“I didn’t know he was the Alpha’s son, he ran into me!! And I didn’t ask Prince Kai to help, I don’t even know who he is or what he is because I’m not a pack member so I don’t know anything that’s going on in your world!!! If I am such an embarrassment to you then just get rid of me!” I screamed and ran past him and up to my room throwing the bags across the room and then knocking over anything that would break. After I had smashed up almost everything in my room I fell to the floor in tears, I had barely been in this town for 24 hours and everything was already a mess. Suddenly I heard a knock and looked up to see Scott walk in.


“Just go.” I sighed but he didn’t listen he walked in and shut the door behind him.

“Talk to me.” he pleaded.

“Just get out Scott, I’m tired and I just want to go to bed.”

“Its 4:30 in the afternoon, you’re not going to bed and besides I think you have some cleaning to do.” he said trying to make a joke, but I wasn’t in the mood to laugh.

“I messed up everything; ever since they took me in I’ve messed up everything. They should have just given me to foster care, and then they wouldn’t have to worry about the human causing problems.”

“Don’t you ever say that Alivia, you are my sister and have always been my sister and will always be my sister. If you weren’t in my life I would be miserable and I know moving here is making everything more difficult but maybe its time for you to find where you fit in this world. A human who knows of the supernatural world can be a good asset to supernatural’s, you have a foot on each side and can be a huge help. Stop thinking of yourself as nothing but a human but a human who has information that no other human has. Your smart and your brave and you need to start believing in yourself or no one else will.” he said and started heading for the door.

“Scott!” I called before he walked out.

“Yeah Ali?”

“Thanks…I needed that.”

“Anytime.” he said and left and closed the door behind him.

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