Eheeh, hi
Uhhhh college classes with finals, stress stress stress, uhhh also 55hr shifts back to back at work for a whileeee on and off for months and then I also got COVID, and then other people in my family got COVID and I helped take care of themmm (a couple of times too cause in their words, 'I'm the family doctor', yea ok 😭) and then I got into a car crash involving 4 vehicles and I hurt my leg a lil so I was healing from that for a little bit and somehow my car is the only one that got totaled 🧍♀️🧍♀️🧍♀️
Womp womp
Anyways I still got two hands to type up a chapter so lets gooooo
The warmth felt from the purple light was anything but comforting as the red visor of the large robot above seemed to gleam in malice. The sound of battle seemed to dull out in the background as a ringing began in your ears, alongside the growing intensity of the purple light in front of you. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, louder than ever and mixed in with the ringing. You could feel the ground rumbling under your hands which laid flat on the ground, ah, did you fall? Have your legs ever felt so weak? And was that your breathing? You could hear light puffs of air as it entered your lungs, but it felt like your lungs weren't taking in as much as it should. As the purple glow seemed to flicker white for one second, as if someone snapped their fingers, your body recoiled and you flung yourself to the side- just as the purple beam of light seemed to launch from the robots arm to where you once stood.
Scrambling to your feet, you glanced once to where you had been at just a moment before, only to see a scorch mark on the floor. With fear of what could have been you instead, you began to move your legs and ran around the rock trying to avoid the other purple lasers that were fired your way; only inches from hitting you as you continued in a zig-zag pattern. Adrenaline seemed to replace your blood supply as your heart raced like an engine, quivering with each pump as your muscles greedily took in the body's natural jumpstart to keep moving. With each breath you took, your lungs felt like they were going to pop, and combined with the newfound pounding in your head, you felt like you could collapse any second. But you only felt all that for a second, for in the next, you felt none of that as your body became numb to the pain, prioritizing its survival above all else.
Seeing more large boulders ahead, you continued to run and use them as cover, only for a moment before having it be blasted to pieces and running for your life to the next available boulder, hoping to lose track of the large robot stalking you from behind, not seeming to be in any sort of rush as if it was enjoying the small chase.
Unfortunately, with every heaving breath you took and every pounding step ont the ground you made, it garnered the attention of another red-visored robot whose attention was elsewhere, only to aim directly at you. If your heart wasn't thundering in your chest already, then it certainly froze in crippling fear, causing your legs to fumble and give out beneath you. You could already feel the scrapes on your palms and knees from the gravel, the sting already creating a burning sensation.
Lifting your torso off of the ground with a groan, you instantly froze in fear upon seeing another purple beam of light hovering right over you. Would this be it? Would this be the accurate representation of the saying, 'Curiosity killed the cat'? Is this the thrill that some people crave in dangerous situations? Where it feels like your heart is about to explode with every pump of oxygenated blood, where everything around you seems so much brighter in your eyes, and everything feels like it's slowed down and there's suddenly no noise?
The adrenaline running through your body,
The uncontrollable trembling of your limbs,
The temperature in your hands and feet getting colder,
The rush of blood entering your brain as it processes your life's last moments,
The tingling feeling crawling up the side of your face to your head,
A familiar pounding in your heart before your vision suddenly tunnels,
This rush you were feeling...
This excitement, this terror...
Without your knowledge, the corner of your lips pulled into a wide wobbly smile.
This feeling...
You hated it.
(it's short because the next chapter is LONGGGG- think of this like part 1 of chatper 3-)

Control (Yandere! Bumblebee)
FanfictionTFP! Yandere! Bumblebee x Human! Female! Reader ~~~~ "I'm going now!" "To where?" "My, uh, comic book club!" "Since when we're you interested in comic books?" The skepticism in your fathers voice and his crossed arms were more then enough to know he...