🦁Yellow 1🦁

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"Really? Can I have one?" Ace asked

"I want try one too" Deuce said

"I don't mind. I was planning on sharing some with you guys" I said as I pulled out the other two sandwiches and handed it to them

Once they opened up the wrapping, they were greeted with the delicious smell. Then they finally took a bite and their eyes widen

"Holy crap! This tastes amazing!" Ace said as he continued eating the sandwich

"I agree! Maria, you'll make an amazing chef!" Deuce said, making Maria blush

"Hey Grim, what was that earlier? If you didn't want to trade your sandwich, why did you stuck out your paw?" I asked

"That's not it! When that guy stuck his arms out, my body moved in the same way on its own... The trade would've been over if you didn't rush in and gave away you homemade sandwich like that" Grim looked down sadly and Maria gently petted his head

"Oh, I see. You kinda just went along with it. That happens sometimes" Ace said

"That's not right either... Grrrr, I can't explain it well! I'm confused, so I'm just gonna eat to feel better! Deuce, gimme some of your pasta!" Grim said as he tried to snatch Deuce's pasta

"I'm not part of this! Knock it off!" Deuce yelled at Grim as he moved his plate away from Grim's reach, Maria laughed a little and she felt Ace tapping my shoulder

"Oh yeah, before I forget, the headmaster said he wants to see you. He said he has something to talk about and come to his office after class today. Wonder what it is?" Ace wondered as he placed his head on my shoulder

"Isn't it probably about the stuff that happened with Dorm Head Rosehearts the other day?" Deuce asked

"It could be. Guess we'll find out after class today" Maria said

"Hah... We might get a whole pile of canned tuna for how hard we worked!" Grim said excitedly

"No canned tuna please" Ace said

Then, Maria looked at the direction where the hyena boy ran

'Why do I feel like I've seen him before? If I have seen him, the question is... where?' Maria thought to herself

"Oh yeah, before I forget, Grim" Maria gave Grim an evil look and he at Maria nervously


"Did you eat that stone that I had put away?" She asked

"Um... No...?" Grim answered nervously and looked away

"Don't lie to me, unless you want me to ask the ghosts to wake you up for now on" Maria said and Grim finally admitted that he took the stone and ate it. Which led him to be grounded for the next 2 weeks

Botanical Garden - Temperate Zone

"Leona! I'm back with lunch!" The hyena boy named Ruggie said and Leona was waking up from his sleep

"Grrr... Hnh, already the afternoon?" Leona asked as he stretched his body

"Were you by chance sleeping here all morning? You're gonna fail another class" Ruggie said

"Sniff sniff... Oh, smells like you got what I ordered" Leona said

"Ugghh... Leona, you always want the stuff that's the most competitive" Ruggie complained as he handed Leona his food and drink "Here's your order of one deluxe minchi katsu sandwich and ice tea" Leona grabbed the sandwich and the drink

"Stupid. The more difficult it is to get, the more you wanna eat it" Leona said as he took a bite of the sandwich and his eyes widen

'This sandwich taste more delicious than usual' Leona thought as he continued his lunch

"I'll eat anything as long it isn't moldy. I'm sure Prince Leona wouldn't know anything about that" Ruggie said

"Hmph. I'm not the crown prince, I'm the second. I couldn't be king even if I wanted to. I'm not different from the masses"

"I'll never forget when I showed you a picture of my home and you said 'I thought it was a doghouse' " Ruggie said as he tried to copy Leona's voice

"I said that?" Leona asked

"Ya sure did. Ugh, I'd love to live in a castle so big it makes my home look like a doghouse" Ruggie said

"Hah. Being royalty isn't great. Your effort or skills make no difference, everything is decided by what order you were born in..." Leona said

"Hmph.... Is that so?" Ruggie looked at Leona for a minute and suddenly remembered something "Oh yeah! After school today is the dorm head meeting, it's going to be about the Magical Shift Tournament. Please, don't miss it"

"Tsk. Pain in the ass..."

"As the dorm head, you get the biggest single room. So, work to earn that place" Ruggie said and Leona sighed

"Fine, fine." Then Leona yawns "*Yawn* I'm stuffed to the brim and sleepy. Wake me up after lunch" Leona said to Ruggie as he went back to sleep

"I'm not your alarm clock, Leona! Eh, he's already asleep!" Ruggie looked surprised "Ugh... I can't..." Ruggie was about to leave, but stopped himself in his tracks "Now that I think about it, where have I seen that raccoon and the rose blonde hair girl before?"  Leona's ears flickered when he heard about the red hair girl and he knew who Ruggie is talking about

To be continued

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