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The next morning I get up and do my daily routine. I put on my lotion and deodorant. I grab my red lace Bra and panties. I put on my olive green leather pencil skirt, with my white Moshino shirt. I grab my stacked Chuck Taylors, I put on my jewelry and leave my hair in its natural curly state. I grab my bag and head out.

"Esaius??" I called out as I walk down the stairs

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"Esaius??" I called out as I walk down the stairs.

He didn't answer I'm assuming he had some business to handle. I just shrug it off and head to the kitchen to grab me something to take with me for the morning. I had 2 interviews today. One as a secretary at a law firm, and an assistant at a clothing company.

I head to the law firm first since it's the closest to my house. When I get there the women were giving me weird ass looks. I hate that shit. I rolled my eyes and took a seat and waited. When they called me I was told I wasn't what they were looking for in an applicant.. probably because of how I look🤷🏾‍♀️. I just went to the next interview I had lined up at Brown's Inc.

I pulled into the parking lot. I turned my car off I said a little prayer before I grabbed my things and headed inside.

"Hello welcome to Brown's Inc. how can I help you?" An older lady asked me.

"Hello my name is My'Asia Davenport I'm here about the assistant position." I told her as she typed in my information I'm assuming on her computer.

"Oh yes! You applied to be Mr. Miller's assistant, I pray he pick you to replace me." She said jokingly.

"Oh it's for your position?" I asked.

"Yes, as much as I love Roman I have my own businesses to run."She said about her boss I'm assuming.

"I know that's right" I said giggling.

"Yes girl, but Mr. Miller is expecting you it's the first door on the left." She said. I nod and head to Mr. Miller's office. I knock on the door and a deep voice told me to come in. I walk in and notice he's on the phone with his back towards
Me. I take a seat and just wait.

When he turned around it's like I froze. It can't be. My mind playing games on me.😭😐

"Hello???!!" He said knocking me out my thoughts.

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