"LEAVE!" As soon as she said that Jinzhu kowtowed and dragged Jiang Yanli out from there.

Mother was going to kill her before listening to the reasoning if she came back TOO EARLY.


Days after the exam Jiang Wanyin was sitting pridefully on his seat as they all waited for their test results.

He was sure he'll be having the highest marks, when he did he will bring the reputation of Lan Wang being the best student down.

"Nie Huaisang...60/100, better than last year." Nie Huaisang wanted to cry at his grades at least his brother would not kill him this time!

Lan Qiren continued on calling each and everyone's names and saying their scores out loud, so far the lowest was 55 points on the exam, average, but considered as passing. And the Highest being 98 which was for Jin Zixuan.

Jiang Wanyin tsked at that, he was sure his paper would be much higher, after all he has better memory's than his brother, he reviewed the notes his mother gave him before he came to Cloud Recesses.

Surely there is no one better than his mother.

And now there were only two students left, Lan wangji and Jiang Wanyin.

"Lan Wangji, as expected, full marks, 100/100." he nodded to his nephew as Lan Wangji took his paper.

'I don't know why I should be retaking every single paper and test that I took in my last timeline! I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO! MY SOULMATE SENT A LETTER! BUT I HERE I AM IN CLASS!' He wailed as he returned to his seat.


'THIS IS ABUSE! I'LL FILE THIS TO THE SECT LEADER!' His trail of thoughts paused 'Wait...my uncle is the current acting Sect leader wth-'

"Jiang Wanyin." his Uncle called out and Lan Wangji saw the Jiang Heir's back sat up straight.

Lan Qiren sighed, he expected better coming from the sect heir but who is to say, he is not allowed to judge as it is against the sect rules.

"I have expected better from you." he firstly said which made Jiang Wanyin's brows raise in confusion and anger.

"What kind of answers are these!? You should be just and seek everything out not immediately slaughter them all!" Lan Qiren pinched the bridge of his nose.

"12/100." with that the class tried to contain their gasps.

The Jiang disciples even did better than their heir.

"WHAT!? MASTER LAN THERE HAS TO BE A MISTAKE! MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME ALL OF THOSE!" Jiang Wanyin slammed his hand on the table.

"Jiang Wanyin, Have you even been listening to the lessons?" Jin Zixuan asked "Even the Jiang disciples did better than you! Or were you too prideful to pay attention?!"


"You dare talk back to those who rank higher than yours?" Jin Zixuan pushed.

He heard that this was the same sentence Jiang Wanyin had used against Wei Wuxian.


"Second heir Jiang." Jin Zixuan pushed.

"You are the spare, isn't your sister currently taken place as sect heir? I heard if she will not be able to form her core or if you do not improve your tempermant none of the position will go to either of you." Jiang Wanyin was getting ready to punch.

"Jiang Wanyin, one more act of Violence you are banished for 10 years from Cloud Recesses and will be expelled." Lan Qiren warned.

Jiang Wanyin's reputation is only going downhill, he can't risk any more problems, he got out of the classroom after tearing the exam.

"Tell him to copy the rules 5 times and book of righteousness 5 times while doing handstands."


(Notice: A-Yuan isn't born yet.)

Wei Wuxian was babysitting the kids while both Wen Ning and Wen Qing are away to Qishan for a few days, they told him that they didn't want to be there, it was suffocating and they were worried about leaving their village alone.

So Wei Wuxian told them he could stay here, he doesn't have anywhere to go for the next week but the week after he has so it's fine.

'Did Lan Zhan see my letter already? Hopefully he did.' he thought before focusing his attention on the kids.

"Xian-ge! Do you know how to cultivate?" One of the girls asked "Why yes, do you wish to learn how to form your cores?" He asked the children here are around 6-8 which are the perfect ages to start developing a core.



"Teach us!"

"Xian-gege please we want to know!"

All four children were looking at him with puppy eyes. "Why do you ask your guardians before I teach you?"

They all pouted "Pleaasee~" Wei Wuxian sighed "I don't want to teach you until you all get your permissions" the children pouted but nodded and made their way towards their home to ask their parents.

"The children seems to like you."

Wei Wuxian turned and greeted "Uncle Four, I thought you'd be taking your nap at this time of day."

Uncle Four nodded "I was but then I remembered A-Qing told me to remind you to put your salve knowing your memory you would have forgotten."

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened "Oh right! Thank you Uncle Four! Sorry for the inconvenience, could you check if the kids would come back? I promise I won't take too long."

"Boy, take your time, I can handle the kids until you get back." Wei Wuxian smiled and went on to apply the salve Wen Qing had left him.

As soon as he left the kids came out "Eh? Uncle Four where's Xian-ge?" The youngest of the four asked "Wei-gongzi is going to put medicine on his back, he will be back after he's done, why don't you four do some of the training exercises he showed you while waiting?"

The four nodded "Okay!"

And so the children did their exercises on the rocky ground while waiting for their Xian-gege.

"Uncle Four! I'm back! Sorry if I took so long." Wei Wuxian said as he caught up towards the group.

"Not at all, I shall take my leave" Uncle four said before he left to get some sleep.

"So did your parents agree?" Wei Wuxian questioned the children who nodded.

"Alright then, when we are training, call me Wei Laoshi." he winked at the children who then all said "Wei Laoshi!" Wei Wuxian laughed before motioning them to follow.

"Where are we going?"

"Not far from here, I will have you all meditate on the grass, meditation is important for you when you want to build up your core."


"Yes, but your Xian-gege is really bad at it so make sure you don't follow this gege and meditate properly."

"Yes Wei Laoshi!"



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