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March 3rd, 2018

As I made my way down the familiar path of Grandberry park, all of a sudden I felt a shocking rush of chilling goosebumps travel through all parts of my mid Carmel- chocolate brown skin. The sun had set a few hours ago, it was getting colder outside. The stars shining bright in complete upbeat capacity and a full moon was visible in its natural full form. In the midst of me noticing all of theses changes, it slipped my mind about what time it was. I had to be home soon.

I share a two bedroom house with my older brother Esaius Davenport. Our parents died when I was about 10 years old. I'm 19 about to be 20 soon. I know your probably wondering why I'm tripping about going home at a decent hour it's because the area I live in is highly dangerous at night..... AND I love my life.

On my way home I stopped at the corner store to grab some snacks for later.
"Hey Tyson." I greeted the clerk.
"Hey My'Asia." He said back as I scroll through the aisles deciding on what I want. I heard that loud ass bell indicating somebody else had walked in.

"Hey Ro, how's it going?"I heard Tyson ask whoever walked in.
"It's Aight." The man responded in a heavy accent.

I continue browsing and slowly grabbing things I want. As I was checking out I see this tall figure not to far from me . I'm guessing it's "Ro" as Tyson called him. He was caramel skin, he had big beautiful brown eyes, the sexiest lips I've ever seen... I noticed some tattoos also. I wonder if he has more and where...

"I got something on my face?" He asked rudely knocking me out my thoughts..
"Huh?" I responded.
"You staring a lil too hard ma." He said licking over his lips.
"My bad." I said looking the other way.
"You good lil mama." I heard him say as he walked off.
"Tyson can you ring me up?" I asked looking at Tyson who was already staring back at me.

"That'll be $5.26." He said as I handed him a $10. I collected my change and made my way home.

Dreading the long walk back home. I started to think about what I'm going to do about work. I recently got fired because I wouldn't sleep with my boss. Fucking creep. Not letting it get to me to much I started thinking about my parents.. I miss them. My mom and dad were both shot and killed right in front of me. I still have nightmares about it.

I finally make it home, as I get in I notice Esaius and Daveyon playing 2k.

"Hey Asia." Daveyon speaks.

"Hey Daveyon,Hey Esaius." I greeted both of them.

"Hey My." Esaius said.

I head up to my room to take a shower. After my shower I put on my Victoria's Secret Strawberry Poundcake lotion. I grab some yoga shorts and a tank top, I throw my hair in a bun and grab my laptop. I checked my emails and responded to some messages, then put my laptop away. I get cozy in bed with my snacks, my weed, and my tv❤️. I go to Netflix and continue watching "The Game". I can't get enough of Tasha Mack And Melanie🤣🤣. I started to roll me a blunt, when I finished I sparked up smoked a little and put the rest out. I ate a couple of my snacks. As I was eating my chips I heard a knock at my door.

"Who is it?" I asked pausing my tv.

"It's me sis" Esaius voiced boomed on the other side.

"What do you want?" I asked slightly irritated.

"I'm finna leave and go to the trap, I don't know what time I'll be back so keep your phone on!" He said. I shouted okay as he walked away.

When he left I finally went back to watching my show until I got tired and went to sleep dreading tomorrow......

Hey guys it's my first story in a long time so bare with me. Don't be scared to give me feedback. Slow updates!! I hope you guys like it. ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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